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Danelectro buffer

Started by El Heisenberg, January 25, 2010, 08:42:50 AM

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El Heisenberg

hey, does anyone know exactly what the buffer in the danelectro mini plastic pedals are made of? I read in a thread that it's TL072, but that was all I could find on it.

I have a bacon n eggs mini amp/distortion. I put it first on my board just because I liked the buffer. But I get weird high pitched noise sometimes.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."


Avoiding all probable puns here, but I'm uncertain.

All I know is it works - and works well. 

If you're looking to copy (or make something similar) for your own builds, Dano's site has some good notes on Buffering - and some example schems too.

Or look into the Buff and Blend circuit...

Happiness is a warm etchant bath.

El Heisenberg

i kinda do wish people would make fun of my name more.

Im gunna build a buffer, I just wanted to know why that one is so nice. Ive built others for different things like splitting out to two amps and i've tried them in front, but they dont sound as clean and sparkly as the danelectro.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."


Quote from: newfish on January 25, 2010, 08:53:47 AM

All I know is it works - and works well. 

Agreed.  I re-housed a Chicken Salad, and re-housed a Rocky Road.
True bypassed the chicken Salad but because of the ramp switch I kept the buffer circuit in the Rocky Road.  Sounds fine either way.