Dirt Box: Mushy distorted low end, too clear and bright top end

Started by Wonderdog, January 26, 2010, 12:52:17 PM

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I put some mosfet clippers in the feedback loop in a distortion circuit, replacing the original 1n914's.
the result is much sooner onset of distortion, and softer distortion.  
But the low E is mushy and more distorted, and the high E is not as distorted and too trebly.  

I put a 1n4001 in parallel with one of the mosfet clippers and get a bit more headroom and less distoriton, but same eq problems.  A little better.

Any ideas?

And what if you put clipping diodes in the feedback loop on the output gain section along with the distortion section of the pedal?



OK.  I was also thinking about putting a cap on the output to smooth the top end but I don't know if that would address the farty low end.


I doubt that it will help the low end issue, but it will def smooth the top if you get the right value.  never hurts to try it out and see!  Try a 10k with a small cap to grnd, like .001 or .002 uf.


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