DC Power when guitar cable plug inserted?

Started by punkin, January 31, 2010, 08:55:03 PM

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Seems I saw this somewhere but I can't seem to find it now.

I would like to use a cliff jack such that when  a cable is inserted into the jack that the power/DC is turned on...remove the guitar cable and power goes off saving the battery. Is there a special jack required? I have a jack that has 2 pairs of connection which are closed when cable is removed...they both open when cable is inserted. Can this be used somehow?

Ernie Ball Music Man - JPM, THD Univalve, Grace Big Daddy, PepperShredder, BSIAB2, FireFly Amplifier.

G. Hoffman

Assuming you are using a mono guitar cable, the standard thing is just a stereo cable.  The - terminal of the battery gets tied to the ring connector of the stereo jack.  When you plug in the guitar cable in, the sleeve on the plug makes contact between the battery and ground, completing the circuit.  That's how pretty much every stomp box on the planet, and most active guitars do as well, though if you have a stereo out for your guitar you need a special jack with some additional stuff.



Thanks Gabriel,

Looks like mine's a mono with shorting connections (when cable removed). Looks like I need to sub it out with a stereo jack...thanks!

Ernie Ball Music Man - JPM, THD Univalve, Grace Big Daddy, PepperShredder, BSIAB2, FireFly Amplifier.