1/4" Shaft Knob on 1/8" Shaft Pot?

Started by Unlikekurt, January 31, 2010, 10:18:54 PM

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I'm looking for a way to use 1/4" diameter shaft knobs with 1/8" shaft pots (with 1/4" bushing).
I read somewhere about "reducer bushings" and I gather the concept is that you screw a new busing on top of the old and the new bushing also has the 1/4" diameter over top of the pot shaft.
Does anybody have any insight into this or recommendations?



I've done it using aluminum tubing that I bought at a hobby shop. I needed several different sizes, one inside the other to build up from 1/8" to 1/4". I just took a pot and knob down to the shop and tried several pieces until I got a combination that fit snugly over the pot shaft and just fit inside the knob.


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