Yes, another "which boost should I build" topic!!!

Started by Renegadrian, February 02, 2010, 08:50:37 PM

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Ok, a musician I know asked me for a boost - it should be clean and just add some volume without coloring/changing it.
And I thought about Tillman-FET boost-Microamp.
What he asked is a pedal with a volume and a tone control. So i went  ::) ???
PS I dunno if he's got some strange earing, he said he found the LPB1 too trebly!!! (I always found it too bassy...)
And the Fulltone Fat Boost gives him too much "compression" he said...
Anyway, back to business...which boost is trasparent enough and has a tone pot?!  ???
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


Well, if you plan on adding a tone pot (i.e. a treble roll-off) then it is not going to be transparent. Colorization of tone is just another word for filtering, and a tone control will definitely color your tone no matter where you set it.

Not knowing what you may have built in the past, my top three suggestions (in order) are Jack Orman's Mosfet Boost, his Mini-Booster (which is a no go considering his opinion of the Fat Boost) and Paul Cochrane's modification of that, the Fat Boostered. The Fat Boostered has separate bass and treble roll-offs, so that would actually get much closer to what you are asking for.

I was actually just showing this to my wife, because I had not looked at it in a while: my Mosfet Booster rebuild report

Anyway, good luck!


I think that this person doesn't really know what he wants, so I guess he won't be happy even with the pedal closest to his specs...Anyway, yeah I built a lot of boosters (as they usually are easy and with a low parts count, sometimes I just went "why not" and spent a little time building one new just for knowledge...) so I know each and every one characteristics.
What I never built is a booster with tone control (Fat boost aside). So there goes my question...
I find the AMZ MB to add a good amount of distortion (when cracked) so it wouldn't be my first choice...
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


Quote from: Renegadrian on February 02, 2010, 08:50:37 PM
PS I dunno if he's got some strange earing, he said he found the LPB1 too trebly!!! (I always found it too bassy...)

What amp has he got? Ask him if cranking the gain on the amp makes it sound more trebly too.
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It's got no 'mojo' but a simple op amp boost, running off a charge pump (LT1054) and an op amp is as 'transparent' and 'flat' and simple as it can get, with a lot of boost available depending on what voltage you run...the LT1054 can easily get bipolar +/-16v or more depending on the diodes, caps, and power supply you use.

From there, you could add a simple tone control...passive, and then re-buffer, or use the second stage for something like a baxandall.

If you want to keep it to 9v simple, use a rail to rail CMOS op amp for maximum possible headroom available within the voltage. 
Breadboard it!


I guess I'll try to force him into a Valvecaster - a lot of time the tube mojo works well...
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


i recently build a stratobooster and its pretty clean
and it is also really easy ;D


thx for your input - yeah I built the 'blaster too (altough it's not my favourite...) but here I am in need of a booster WITH TONE CONTROL. so that doesn't match. (per se, basically I'd add a SWTC to everything)
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!