Two switches for same effect

Started by jjucius, February 02, 2010, 09:56:02 PM

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My friend wants me to wire up a bass muff so he can switch it on and off with an external switch mounted in his wha pedal he has the switch mounted it's a 3pdt switch and i ran the wires from the muff switch to the switch in the wha and it seamed to work but when he hooked up his bass it only works with the switch on the muff. he wants to be able to switch it with either switch. how would i go about hooking this up. i'm sorry if this has been talked about before i looked but couldent find any thing.
Thank you for your help

G. Hoffman

There are all sorts of possibilities, but probably the easiest that comes to my mind is a 4013 flip flop and transistor or two (P-Channel Fets come to mind, but there are other options).  I'm sure R.G. has something good up on GeoFex about such a setup, though for the life of me I don't know where.  If you are set on a physical switch, you could use a relay, and drive it from the circuit I was asking about HERE.  Of course, that wants momentary switches.  There are circuits that will allow most double throw switches to act as a momentary, but I don't know where you can find them on the internet - the one I've used I got from a book.



IIRC there are some circuits in R.G.s website using regular switches as momentary ones.


Hi Joe, like Gabriel and potul were saying, replacing the big muffs mechanical bypass switching with electronic switching would be a good way to go, as you don't need to run audio in and out of the big muff just to switch it off.  You could use the CD4053 (3x SPDT analog switches on a chip, each switch controlled by a logic level, 0v or 9v).

Translating a momentary footswitch, like this into a latching logic signal is easy with the 4013, on that same page.

What you'd do, that isn't documented in that article, is run wires from the two contacts on the local big muff momentary switch out to the two contacts on the identical wah pedal momentary switch, so either one of them does the same thing electrically when they get pushed, which is to short the base of a transistor to ground when your foot is pushing the switch down.  If you use a jack and cable (like a 3.5mm phone plug cable) to the wah's switch, take care that the ground connections go to the chassis, and the base of the transistor (referencing the picture in the Geo article "Using the 4013 to control the 4053") uses the tip connection, so nothing inadvertently shorts to the chassis.

Good luck!


I've read the idea here before one could easily do the same thing for Boss pedals (or other momentary, electronically switched pedals), by hooking up a 3.5mm jack to the two local momentary footswitch contacts, and running that out to a remote momentary footswitch, so both switches are in parallel and make the same connection when they're pressed as the other.  Could prove handy for some situations, like having a pedal up on a stand/table/amp, but switch it with your foot, or even add an effect into an amp, and footswitch it remotely.

I used the Geo 4053 for this effect which was meant to live up on top of a keyboard, but with the little footswitch going on the ground


Quote from: Processaurus on February 03, 2010, 09:22:01 AM

One of the best looking pedals ever. I remember years ago it was one of the first things I ever posted on the beavis site.