Effect Order Switcher w/3PDT switch?

Started by TomCray, February 02, 2010, 11:45:54 PM

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I'm looking at this Beavis Audio diagram, and am wondering if I can do this with a 3PDT? I see that the fourth set of poles is used for an LED, so is it possible to use a 3PDT without the LEDs? The thing that gets me is that the only ground is on that row.


Yes you can do this with a 3pdt and just leave out the led. the ground is only for the led.


Sweet thanks! So if I use a metal enclosure does that mean I don't have to ground the jacks too?


Quote from: TomCray on February 03, 2010, 03:28:33 AM
Sweet thanks! So if I use a metal enclosure does that mean I don't have to ground the jacks too?

Yep.  As long as they never get loose... I've seen a complete gear meltdown at a show from what turned out to be a boss pedal's jack getting loose (where it was the only way to get a singing bass player's bass to the borrowed amp, as there weren't any cables long enough to go all the way by themselves), and it making terrible sounds as the jack made bad contact with the enclosure, its only ground reference. BZZT badoom boom boom BZZZZT! "idunnoithinkitssomekindofgroundingthing"BZZZT! After that I just wired everything together, because it only takes a couple minutes.  For a bunch of jacks in a row you can use bare wire, and sew it through all the jacks, in a row.

You don't have to connect the power supply/ LED circuit ground to chassis or signal ground, in fact it might be a little better not to, from a grounding perspective (keeping signal and sewer grounds separate, to grossly abbreviate the subject).