How to put Dan Armstrong's stompboxes in a chain?

Started by gigimarga, February 06, 2010, 11:21:22 AM

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I've just finished the last 2 Dan Armstrong's stompboxes (Yellow Humper/Purple Peaker and Red Ranger).
So, now I have Orange Squeezer, Blue Clipper, Green Ringer, Yellow Humper and Red Ranger and I want to put them all in a single enclosure.
I think that a good order can be Orange Squeezer->Blue Clipper->Green Ringer->Yellow Humper/Red Ranger.
Another ideea was Red Ranger->Orange Squeezer->Blue Clipper->Green Ringer->Yellow Humper.

Anyone have any ideea?

Thx a lot!


Truthfully, I'm not even sure what all of them do, but I think it's a fantastic idea to house these together like you're planning - sounds like a lot of fun.

When trying to figure our the order of pedals there's lots of common wisdom, wacky ideas, and stupid advise out there. My recommendation is not to get too hung up on it, but try a bunch of different configurations and spend an hour or so with each of them, trying the pedals in various combinations. What you'll find is you'll logically place things in a certain order, then adjust them to what sounds best right then, and then be satisfied with one or another of the combinations. You might even find multiple orders that sound good or are useful.

The general ordering priciples go:

Filter type (Wah, Envelop, Octave, Phase) > Gain (Boost, Compression, Fuzz, OD, Distortion) > Modulation (Phase, Chorus, Flange, Trem, Vibe) > Delay (Echo, Delay, Reverb)

Types that fit outside of these include: EQ and Phasers (because they could be classed as both a filter and a modulation effect, depends on who you talk to). These effects can generally be put in a variety of places and be useful or sound good. I like my phasers and EQ's early in my chain, often before the Gain stages personally.

Also, while these effects generally go in this order, what's harder to determine is the order of a type of effect - what order do you put your gain pedals in if you use a fuzz, Compressor, Overdrive and a booster? The permutations allow for a large variety of orders, and while many might sound good, the beauty is in the ear of the beholder.

So with the Dan Armstrong effects, I'd start with a logical order based on the above, then play with things a little, adjust things a little, adjust things some more, play some more, and sooner or later you'll like what you hear enough to leave it there.



 Maybe have in and out for each effect on 3.5mm jacks or RCA's and patch any combination. Would be a bit of work to wire up, but much more versatile.
I have wanted to do this with the Dan Armstrong colour series for a while... would be a cool all in one.


Great idea!   I would put the Purple Peaker in there somewhere. :)


Quote from: jkokura on February 06, 2010, 02:08:20 PM
Also, while these effects generally go in this order, what's harder to determine is the order of a type of effect - what order do you put your gain pedals in if you use a fuzz, Compressor, Overdrive and a booster? The permutations allow for a large variety of orders, and while many might sound good, the beauty is in the ear of the beholder.

Thx Jacob for your answer!
As you said, the problem is that I have a compressor, a distortion and twp boosters to deal with :)
The only solution seems to test many configuration :(
Anyway, now I'm trying to tweak the Yellow Humper a little for bass because de Hi switch seems to have almost no effect on bass (on guitar sounds very good).


Quote from: electrobuster on February 06, 2010, 07:46:57 PM
Maybe have in and out for each effect on 3.5mm jacks or RCA's and patch any combination. Would be a bit of work to wire up, but much more versatile.
I have wanted to do this with the Dan Armstrong colour series for a while... would be a cool all in one.

Thx electrobuster!
That's what I will do, as you can see above :)


Quote from: oldrocker on February 06, 2010, 08:11:52 PM
Great idea!   I would put the Purple Peaker in there somewhere. :)

Thx oldrocker!
I think I saw the light at the end of the tunnel :)


After I made some tests, this configurations seems to work OK for me:

1. Red Ranger -> Orange Squeezer -> Blue Clipper -> Green Ringer -> Orange Squeezer -> Yellow Humper
2.Yellow Humper -> Orange Squeezer -> Blue Clipper -> Green Ringer -> Orange Squeezer -> Red Ranger


Quote from: electrobuster on February 06, 2010, 07:46:57 PM
Maybe have in and out for each effect on 3.5mm jacks or RCA's and patch any combination. Would be a bit of work to wire up, but much more versatile.
I have wanted to do this with the Dan Armstrong colour series for a while... would be a cool all in one.

I like this idea, set up like a module thing.


I still have doubts about the order Booster->Compressor or Compressor->Booster...moreover, Orange Squeezer can be used as a booster  ???


this was the first 'mega' project i started (still haven't finished cuz of hardware); i decided to throw the whole this effect before that effect argument out and went with the ROY G BIV method.  that's the thing for the colors of the spectrum. so it's  RedRange -> OrangeSqueeze -> YellowHump -> GreenRing -> BlueClip -> PurplePeak.  yeh, i know that purple isn't the same as indigo or violet, but whatever...


It seems to me that Green Ringer sounds better before BLue Clipper...


Quote from: gigimarga on February 08, 2010, 04:55:40 PM
It seems to me that Green Ringer sounds better before BLue Clipper...

Thats why I would have ins and outs for each, then the order is no problem, you can have any order, some or all


Quote from: electrobuster on February 09, 2010, 02:30:51 AM
Thats why I would have ins and outs for each, then the order is no problem, you can have any order, some or all

Yes, you're right, but it's too expensive...and I have 2 Green Ringers, so I will put one before Blue Clipper and one after (same as Orange Squeezer which I have 3!) ;)

So I will have: Red Ranger/Yellow Humper -> Orange Squeezer -> Green Ringer -> Blue Clipper -> Green Ringer -> Orange Squeezer -> Yellow Humper/Red Ranger :)