Started by aziltz, February 14, 2010, 12:28:56 PM

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This just in, Pull Q4 and Q5 (MuAMP/SRPP) and Jumper from the Gate of Q4 to the Source of Q5.

The resulting tone is warm, throaty and has a nice growl/grind without too much sizzle.

I found that the Orange Peel has way too much volume, which makes the white noise unbearable.  This mod doesn't fix the white noise, but it does make the volume output usable and the gain range quite nice.  The OP cheats and uses diode clipping to ground right before the SSRP output stage anyway...  :o

I also found the Tone Controls to be quite ineffective however interactive they are, I believe since they are pre-gain.

Looking at the board though, it seems like they try to filter highs off each drain by employing a cap to +Vcc (9v).  Wouldn't this couple power supply noise into the circuit?  Would it be better suited to send the CAP from Drain to 4.5v or Ground?

B Tremblay

Quote from: aziltz on February 14, 2010, 12:28:56 PM
The OP cheats and uses diode clipping to ground right before the SSRP output stage anyway...  :o

We chose the diode pair due to the characteristic hard clipping of the cathodyne phase inverter in the original amp.  I wouldn't call that "cheating," though.
B Tremblay


Sorry B, I didnt mean to insult.  It was just a poke.  It does sound good with it in, just the Q4 and Q5 output stage was too much.

I also didn't know that ROG worked on this one.  I thought it was OLC all the way taking a hint or two from you guys.

FWIW I really dig it the first 3/4s of it!