Build report of 3-in-1 multi effect pedal

Started by 80k, February 22, 2010, 01:08:17 PM

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I built this in the summer, and this has become my favorite pedal. It is a Zvex Machine, Rat, and Muff (in that order) multi effect pedal. It has saved me board space, allowed me to fit all my dirt pedals on the front row of my pedalboard, and reduced the number of patch cables and power outlets that I need. I have also given my Foxey Fuzz and Zvex Machine pedals to a friend to make beautiful noise with!

Just wanted to see if there was anyone else here also had any cool multi-effect circuits to share.

Some pics:

Some comments:
My ProCo Rat used the original schematic from ProCo, with a few changes. I played around with clipping diodes and found that adding a germanium diode in series to one of the silicon diodes worked really well. I also tweaked the tone frequency range to have less treble when the Filter knob is turned to the left, and less mud when turned to the right. For the Big Muff circuit, I used the schematic based on the violet ram's head muff. I socketed the transistors and found a great combination with BC183C on Q1, and BC239C for Q2 thru Q4.

Regarding the gut shots of this pedal. The left third is the Zvex Machine, the middle third is the ProCo Rat, and right third is the Muff. This is really no different than doing three different pedals, and housing them into the same box. The only precautions I did was to decouple the power, which consists of using a 100 ohm resistor in series with 9V+ and then a 100uF electrolytic capacitor to ground for each of the three circuits. I also wired the 3PDT switches so that the input to each effect is grounded when bypassed, but I tend to do that with all of my effects projects these days. I contemplated using shielded wires since this is a lot of gain in one box, but it ended up not being as noisy as I thought it'd be. In fact, it is no noisier than it was when I had the 3 pedals seperately.

Youtube video of me playing it:

John Lyons

Basic Audio Pedals


Really cool, I like to see these kinds of builds.


Dynacomp w/clean blend -> Little Green Wonder (screamer) -> Phase 90.   All on separate vero layouts so that they barely fit even in the big enclosure.  :icon_redface:  Since this enclosure is a little taller and I'm not using a battery I attached them all to the bottom cover.  The gut shot is with a Super Tube Screamer that I started with, but I need to tweak that circuit's pre-distortion midrange boost a little better.  The LGW circuit is about half that size so there's a little more room in the box now.  These are the 3 pedals I used for years and it's great to have them all in the same box.


My only recommendation for the OP is to not stop building! Awesome!

I like the finish on the enclosure - using one like it from PPP for my Boogie build. Are those all blue LEDs? Did you consider using different colored LED's to help tell which circuit is which or are you going to be decaling to do that?

I also have a DD project with 3 circuits going into it coming up.



I can only dream of one day being able to make something like that! Nice build man!


Quote from: jkokura on February 22, 2010, 04:19:58 PM
My only recommendation for the OP is to not stop building! Awesome!

I like the finish on the enclosure - using one like it from PPP for my Boogie build. Are those all blue LEDs? Did you consider using different colored LED's to help tell which circuit is which or are you going to be decaling to do that?

I also have a DD project with 3 circuits going into it coming up.


Got the enclosure prepainted from PPP so looks like we got the same box! Actually it is violet, white, and blue LEDs and easy to differentiate, but hard to see in the photo (it all has a blueish tint).

Which 3 circuits are you boxing together?


Phase 45, EA Trem and FL301 Flanger. I'm debating switching the Flanger for a CE-2 Chorus to be honest, because the Flanger is supposed to take 18V and while I've got some solutions for doing 2 9V and 1 18V project all in one box, I would much, much rather do 3 9V builds. I've already drilled and primed the enclosure, and the CE-2 would require 3 more holes for switches. I also have the parts for the Flanger, but not for the CE-2.

Not sure what I'm going to do right now, but the plan was to go with a Phaser into an effects loop into the Flanger into the Trem. They won't be ordered like this in the layout, but they will be ordered like this in the switching and wiring. For the effects loop I'm using switching jacks, meaning that when nothing is plugged into them it'll go Phaser-Flang/Chorus-Trem, but I can also put something in between the Phaser and Flanger if I plug anything in. I want it this way because I often really like having my phaser before my compressor and gain pedals. Makes for some funky wiring on the actual pedalboard, but I think it'll be a great build to be proud of. I'm calling it the Modulation Station

This is the first of 3 DD sized boxes I'm building. I also just got the parts for a second I'm calling the Gain Station. It too will feature 3 circuits, well actually it'll be 4, but only 3 switches. I'm putting in an OpAmp buffer to start with then into a Ross Compressor, followed by a Mosfet Booster (one knob) and then into the Barber LTD Silver. I'm planning on wiring in a switch so I can reach down set the boost to be post to either pre or post drive. This one won't have a loop in it, but I plan on putting a second output in from the Buffer for a dry out or a 'tuner out' that won't drain my signal impedance like the ernie ball vp's are said to do.

The third will be what I will call the Echo Station. It's going to be the fully tricked out delay Taylor's designing based on the Echo Base. I'll have three switches - bypass, tap tempo, and an oscillation switch probably. I imagine the thing will be crazy in the end, but I'm looking forward to it. I hope we're able to get the 1+ seconds of Delay like the BYOC Analog Delay, include some pretty cool modulation on the tails, be able to have tails continue with true bypass, fly to the moon, tap tempo in dotted 16th notes and other such ridiculous delay wonders.

The three will be a set, with matching graphics and knobs and layouts and such. The hope is that in the three boxes I'll have all the effects I need (minus a Tuner) all layed out nicely. No batteries of course...



The FL301 flanger will run perfectly well at 9v because it doesn't actually run at 18v: it has a regulator to drop the voltage to 12v, which isn't much more than a good 9v battery or supply anyway.  Just leave out the 12v regulator and attach your 9v supply to that spot on the board instead.

Between the CE-2 and the FL301, I would build the flanger.  I've built both (in the same enclosure, actually) and the flanger fakes chorus sounds excellently by turning the regeneration down to zero and just playing with the depth & speed controls.  I use it much more than my CE-2 because it can pull double duty as a chorus And a flanger.  The CE-2 simply can't make flanger sounds.
B. Aaron Ennis
If somebody makes a mistake, help them understand what went wrong.  Show them how to do it right.  Be helpful.  Don't just say "you're wrong, moron."


Great suggestion (despite our obvious high jack of this thread). I wonder if I can do one better and run the PP2 I have at 12V for all three circuits - how would the EA Trem and Phase 45 fare at 12V I wonder?



I forgot what I was gonna say here.


For some ideas about things you can do in a three-effects-in-a-box, see: from 2002.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


I forgot what I was gonna say here.


Finished this up around Christmas. From R to L: Compulator, Fat Boost, OCD, BYOC delay. All were originally housed in separate enclosures so the wiring is even more haphazard than it would have been otherwise. This was my "dream" when I got into building pedals last fall. Graphic is from an R. Crumb cover.


These all look awesome guys!  one day when i get good enough i'd like to make a box containing pedals for light overdrive,
med od, heavy distortion and lead boost.   does the current button switch off when you hit the new one?  that would be cool.
"Hows are we's?  We's in the f*cking middle of a dinners meal!  Dats hows we am!" - Skwisgaar Skwigelf


I always wanted to box up a jawari and an bronx, but I could never get any decent sound clips to understand them. Any chance you want to comment on them/record some clips? Looks great btw!

Quote from: flintstoned on February 22, 2010, 06:47:24 PM


Quote from: philbinator1 on February 22, 2010, 10:46:53 PMdoes the current button switch off when you hit the new one?  that would be cool.

Yes it would be cool. That would require a little bit more effort though. I'm sure there's some posts of it in the digital forum. Most of these, and anything I've done, are all true bypass using 3PDT switches. These are great for builds, but usually mean you have to stomp once to turn something on and then stomp again to turn it off.

You're thinking of having 4 channels to choose from like the Line 6 DL4, MM4, etc... Pretty sure that means digital switching. There are ways of doing it though, so look deeper and you could make it happen.



currently in the works is a rack mount unit containing a lpb-1, CMOS boost, whisker biscuit and professor tweed, photos will be forthcoming
"Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Small Minds!"

Gus Smalley clean boost, Whisker biscuit, Professor Tweed, Ruby w/bassman Mods, Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer, Zvex SHO, ROG Mayqueen, Fetzer Valve, ROG UNO, LPB1, Blue Magic


Quote from: ibodog on February 22, 2010, 04:06:07 PM
Dynacomp w/clean blend -> Little Green Wonder (screamer) -> Phase 90.   All on separate vero layouts so that they barely fit even in the big enclosure.  :icon_redface:  Since this enclosure is a little taller and I'm not using a battery I attached them all to the bottom cover.  The gut shot is with a Super Tube Screamer that I started with, but I need to tweak that circuit's pre-distortion midrange boost a little better.  The LGW circuit is about half that size so there's a little more room in the box now.  These are the 3 pedals I used for years and it's great to have them all in the same box. 

Man, that looks really great, love the colors!
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