dr boogey transistor trouble

Started by x11010, March 06, 2010, 04:48:42 AM

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Good afternoon.

I'm new here in diystompboxes. I dont even know where to post this topic. But anyways, I have built a dr boogey, I replaced all 5 of the J201's with K30A's because it aint available here in our place. The problem was when I put the K30A's in the board, the trimmers didnt change its resistance when I tested it. I have put the proper legs into its place. What seems to be the problem here? Also, could I replace the J201's with A bipolar transistor, particularly a 2n5088?  :D


I can't google datasheets due to the fact I'm using a Wii game box to surf.  They might work okay although I doubt that these are high gain jfets.  Study the pinouts as alot of SK type jfets I've seen has the gate as center pin.  With pins facing down and flat side facing you it's D-G-S for SK and D-S-G for J201's.  Of course it depends on the manufacturer too.  As for trying bi-polar that would be a whole new circuit design most likey more trouble than it's worth.


Also if you a few 5088's around u might consider one Joe Davisson's designs.


Dont you think that the K30A's are shorted because the resistance in the trimmers were only 2-3k and the resistance on the trimmers didnt vary? I have placed the pins in their correct position. What would the output be if I use these High-gain JFET's to the dr boogey? Would it mean more noise?