alternative transistors?

Started by prismrock2003, March 16, 2010, 12:53:10 PM

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hi Ive already posted this in the members forum but ill ask here too just incase.

i've been wanting to built the Renegadrian D*A*M meathead layout however i do not have the same transistors. here is a list of the trannys i have. could you tell me if any off these would be suitable
2N2907 - PNP General Purpose Amplifier
2N2222A - NPN High Speed Switching
2SC1815 - NPN Audio Frequency General Purpose Amplifier
BC327 PNP general purpose transistor
BC337 NPN general purpose transistor
BC338 NPN General Purpose Transistor
BC547 NPN general purpose transistor
BC548 - NPN Small Signal Transistor
BC549 NPN general purpose transistors
C9012 - PNP 0.625w 25v 0.8A audio power
C9013 NPN Small Signal Transistor
MPSA18 NPN Ultra Low Noise

also if some one could tell me if any off them could subsitute a germanium AC128?

thanks in advance Michael


You should post a link to the circuit you are talking about so we can take a look.


Hi Michael why dont you try to find your transistors data sheet at and then compare them with Meathead transistors? From what i know the 2N3904 is a medium gain transistor and you can substitute it with 2SC1815, 2N222A or BC548/49. The BC182L is a low gain transistor with typical DC Current Gain (hfe) of 40 to 500 max, you can use C9013(hfe 60-250) or BC337 (hfe 100-500).

Btw next time put the layout in question in your post or at least a link to it  so everyone can see and examine it.

Cheers! ;)