Geo parapedal/modified Univibe LFO Dual Log pot substitute Question

Started by numpty, March 17, 2010, 02:07:47 PM

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Could RG's Modified Univibe LFO replacement for the dual log pot in the unvibe work in the Tyco parapedal using a normal single gang wah pot :icon_question:



Slacker, where did you get the vactec dual led/ldr vrc3/2 in the uk :icon_question:


I didn't use vactrols I just made my own using LDRs and LEDs.

What I did was use the LDRs as variable resistors instead of wired how the pots are. So on the schematic here I put the LDRs from point A to G and from H to D, and removed R6 and R5.

Hope that makes sense.


yes it does, thanks-I'll try that. BTW did the sweep sound like the original pedal?