Anderton wiring question... Please help

Started by onthetundra, March 18, 2010, 03:49:25 AM

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Hey everyone,
How the hell do you wire up an Anderton Ultra Fuzz board to the off board parts.  Electronic Projects for Musicians doesnt thoroughly explain this and the wiring diagrams on Tone Pad didnt work.  Im using a 6 point DPDT footswitch and id like to use a 9 volt adaptor even though the schematic requires two 9 volt batteries.  Maybe theres a site that explains this that i dont know about.  Help me out.  I cant figure this out. :icon_sad:


1) please post the schematic or diagram that you used, so we can see what's going on  :icon_exclaim:

If it runs on 18V, you need to connect the batteries in series.
If it uses the 2 batteries for more current, they'd go in parallel.  See the difference, can't tell without a schem!

***EDIT*** OK, I found A schematic, don't know if it's what you have to connect the batteries + to -, + to -.   The center point between them goes to ground.   So the "-" end is your V-, and the "+" end is V+.  This gives you +9v and -9V, which is what the opamp needs.   That could be gone around, but would be sort of a pain in the butt.

To use a wall wart, you'd need to get something with a higher rated DC output (Over 22VDC), and use regulators to come up with your + and - voltages.  This is a split supply.  It can be done simpler, but has less room for error....that 9V and -9V require 18V plus regulator voltages to provide. 
Search "split supply" for more info!!

If you still have ?'s later, I'll be back on and will post you a stomp switch wiring diagram if you need it, gotta go back to work tho!
Good luck  8)

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John Lyons

Yep, it's a bi polar power supply. It will not work on a 9v ac adaptor alone.
Tonepad, General Guitar Gadgets, Beavis Audio Research,, BYOC, all have
wiring diagrams.

Basic Audio Pedals