Barber Silver LTD PCB layout

Started by lazerphea, April 11, 2010, 05:36:54 AM

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Hello everyone,
I decided to try the DIY Press'n'Peel method to print PCBs, so I created an (ugly) layout for the Barber Silver LTD; it's my first experiment with Eagle CAD, and I'd be very grateful to everyone willing to check it.
The question is: since Mr. Barber kindly donated us the schematic, not the PCB layout, can I post it here or there are any problems regarding copyright or similar? :)


In the thread that David Barber donated the schematic he was asked if it is OK to post a layout and he said that it is fine.

QuoteSure make a layout and post it if you like, I won't mind as long as it does not become the next $400 swirly mojo pedal.


Quote from: Talon5051 on April 11, 2010, 10:06:15 AM
In the thread that David Barber donated the schematic he was asked if it is OK to post a layout and he said that it is fine.

QuoteSure make a layout and post it if you like, I won't mind as long as it does not become the next $400 swirly mojo pedal.

Thank you Talon5051!
So here's my layout:

I used the default settings, exception made for the traces I made bigger, because I don't know if P'n'P method can render smaller ones; as you can see I have substantially followed the schematic's layout (


Madbean posted a PCB layout after Steve Barber said it was OK to do so.  When I looked back at the thread it appears that the link to the layout has gone bad.  I have one of the several revisions that were posted.  I do not know if this is the verified version or not, but you can compare it to yours.  

I am also assuming that it is OK to post this.  If Bean wants it down, just let me know. 
