Help with Perfboard layout for "original" OD

Started by oliphaunt, April 27, 2010, 02:58:16 PM

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Calling all you Cyber Perf people out there..

I have not designed for Perf before but I have done a lot of Vero.  I am having trouble getting the linear approach of Vero out of my head, and I have taken on a difficult (for me) challenge.  I would like to get this schematic stuffed into a 1590A enclosure, so the perfboard can only be 12 holes wide, though the length is somewhat flexible.  I'd like to keep the length to 12, but whatever has to happen.  I simply don't have the experience with a perf layout to see how to run grounds and biases all over the place and not eat up a ton opf space.  I am hoping someone will be willing to give me a head start, or some pointers for more effective use of layout space.  


Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


Thanks Rick, I was hoping you might step in! 

All small caps are typical 3 hole box caps except for the output, I have decided to use a 1u non-polarized film cap that is 4 holes wide, but it can easily be bent as need.  Other large caps are the blue electrolytics.

I will use this as a learning experience and carefully study how you put the layout together as opposed to just mindlessly build it. 


Here you go, 12 x 13. Please check it before building it. I do my perf layouts as PCB layouts nowadays, as the PCB layouts are easier to read and allow for colour coded traces. The only component not on th board is the 1K resistor to ground from lug 2 of the tone pot. The PnP will make it easier to see whats going on too.

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


Wonderful, many thanks!  

It really helps to see how it all works together with a circuit I am so familiar with.  I will check for any issues of course, and dissect it as I can.  Already I see ways of thinking about the layout that are very outside of my little box.  I love the way ground is threaded through the circuit, and components are in organized rows that jump over traces.

The colored traces and PnP do indeed really help me sort it all out!


Glad you like it! I'm looking forward to seeing you build it too, it's prety tight!

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


Well, here it is.  My Perf skills are not exactly up to the standards of some of you fine folks, but it went well considering it's my first try at perf. I missed only one trace connection on my first attempt to fire it up, and then the rest of the build went smoothly.  Interestingly, some things are a little different about the build.  It had quite a lot more gain than my breadboarded version, so I jumpered R7 to lower it back to normal.  Also the tone control acted a bit differently, but replacing the 5K pot with a 1K did the trick.  I can't see any obvious differences in the perf layout from the schematic, so I assume the issue was either on my breadboard or the way I translated it to schematic.  Either way it was easy to tweak it back to the intended sound.
It was tough squeezing everything into a small box, but it makes for a nice package that gets attention.

Overall I am happy with the design, and I really want to thank Rick for the layout.  This has been very informative for me!


Cool, glad it worked out. The pedal looks ace. Your perf work is really good too, especially for a first attempt. Interesting that the breadboarded version was a little different, I've had that too. And glad to be of service sir!

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!