Help !! I have an oscilloscope........ but I don’t know how to us it.

Started by solderman, May 10, 2010, 03:15:38 PM

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 My friend let me "borrow" hi's oscilloscope on an indefinite time since he doesn't use it.
It's a TRIO CO-1303D one channel. About 20 years old but works perfectly and I am really happy for it. The only problem is that I don't know how to use it. I know the basics and can measure  V- DC and see the sine wave from my guitar. But when I want to understand what that wave means or when I want to set the frequency on my recently built AD/A flanger I don't know how to.

Does any body know of a good "oscilloscope for dummy's" crash course on the net or so?   
The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion (exlude x to mail)


I'm studing it at university (EE)...Digital oscilloscope are the best for a large amount of measure: voltage level, frequency, time interval, phase displasment between two signals,rise time etc etc  . Of course analog ones are so good, you're so lucky to have one. With my first money (if i'll found a good job) i'm thinking to buy a digital oscilloscope with the magic function FFT for spectrum analyzer.
In the DIY it's a must to have...
If you have some question about oscilloscope and how it do its work don't esitate to contact me!
built: MXR Dist+,dod250-280,dr boogey,IC buffers,cmos drive,multiface,20W SS pwr amps,phase90,tubescreamer,rat,amzMB,wuly mammoth,dod280,zombie chorus
under constur:60W 3886 amp,jcm800 em


Here is something else I found that is useful this
and this
These come from here
Which is to help subsidize this
I will go through my bookmarks and see if there is anything else I haven't added yet.
I'm no EE or even a tech,just a monkey with a soldering iron that can read,and follow instructions. ;D
My now defunct band


Thanks' all
Seems like I know what to read before I go to sleep,... and dream about new projects.  ;)

The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion (exlude x to mail)


oscilloscope's make great conversation pieces when you want to impress members of the opposite sex .... ( chicks dig smart guys  :icon_mrgreen: ) .....


Really, they do?
Casual Conversation at your average local bar ;D

(He)  Hey, nice sine waves you have there, mind if I scoupe them?
(She) have to get on my wave length first.
(He) Ok, how about a shot of 100mv or do you prefer something from external source?
(she) You are focusing in the right direction but still have to pan some more.
(he) Your lips make my beam dazzle. Your eyes shines like hi grade CRT and your frequency span makes be blind for everyone else.
(She) You are flattering me, my skin color might distort when you talk like that.
(He) my lab isn't far from here. We could go there. I really want to sink my probe in your test point.
The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion (exlude x to mail)



Quote from: solderman on May 14, 2010, 04:22:11 AM
Really, they do?
Casual Conversation at your average local bar ;D

(He)  Hey, nice sine waves you have there, mind if I scoupe them?
(She) have to get on my wave length first.
(He) Ok, how about a shot of 100mv or do you prefer something from external source?
(she) You are focusing in the right direction but still have to pan some more.
(he) Your lips make my beam dazzle. Your eyes shines like hi grade CRT and your frequency span makes be blind for everyone else.
(She) You are flattering me, my skin color might distort when you talk like that.
(He) my lab isn't far from here. We could go there. I really want to sink my probe in your test point.
