Blues Breaker Mod. for more bass?

Started by JAC JR, May 15, 2010, 03:02:44 PM

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I built a Blues Breaker using a pcb from General Guitar Gadgets. I love the pedal, but am interested to hear what it would sound like with less bass role-off. Does anyone know a mod. to increase the amount of bass the pedal produces? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

A schematic for the pedal is available at the GGG site, but I am unsure if it appropriate to post a link or not.


It's OK to post a link:

I think increasing C3 will give you more bass.


I would install jumpers for C7 and R7.  I would make R8 10K and then I would try .1uf on up caps at C6 maybe try a .15uf to start.

Two same value caps in series = 1/2 the cap value two resistors in series add together.   The stock circuit connected the center node to ground C7, R8 node when in bypass.

IMO people try to use this as something it was not meant to be.  A BB like this sounds its best into a turned up amp and just adds a bit more EQed gain without overdriving the bass end to keep the speakers under control.

Sometimes you want to cut bass to have more "clear" bass when at loud volumes.  Some effects sound good at home volumes and some sound good at stage volumes.

in schematics