PCB Etching problem

Started by Schappy, June 08, 2010, 06:14:45 PM

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Ive etched a few boards and Im finding that the traces are lifting a little bit.

Im using the boards from small bear.

I noticed that the copper on boards I have purchased from other people seems to look thicker than what I have.

Am I doing something wrong or is it the board?

Im using muriatic acid/peroxide.


The boards from SmallBear are listed as 1oz copper, which is pretty much what everybody uses, so I doubt it is the board.

I wonder if you left the board in the acid for too long. If you let it sit, it can start etching under the transfer image, making it so that your traces look like this:

___\      /____

Instead of like this:

___|      |____

I would imagine that if you let it sit for too long, it could etch to the point where traces start to lift.

Maybe someone else has some more thoughts on what it could be...

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Actually I think I found my problem.

I think my drill bit is too big. I used a #60 to drill the holes. Im going to make another board and use a 65.


You can go even smaller. For most pedal component leads I've found a #71 (0.026") hole is a snug but doable size. For offboard wiring i generally use 22awg wire and a #66 is big enough for those holes.

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown