Building other pedals on a tube screamer PCB?

Started by papuanewjimmy, July 02, 2010, 12:08:01 PM

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Hi all,

I'm very new here, so I hope this question isn't too out of line or been answered a thousand times.  I think I've done a fair amount of research over the last few weeks (my girlfriend would say I've done WAY too much), and I can't seem to find an answer to my question.  Here goes...

I've always liked the sound of tube screamers, and now that I'm getting started building pedals, I figured I'd give one a shot.  However, my friend recently brought over his overdrive unit, which was large, blue, had 4 white knobs across the top, is made by a certain boutique pedal manufacturer (I'm pretty sure I could say the name at this point, but after seeing the rants around this issue I don't even want to start)...  Anyways, I thought the thing sounded fantastic, and figured I should just try building something similar.  Of course I then find out that it is very similar/based on/related to the tube screamer circuit, and there's a whole bunch of hullabaloo surrounding it in terms of posting clone schematics etc.  I've found some schematics and build instructions now, so that's great, but just as I was about to start ordering, I thought "hmm, it might be just as cost effective to buy the GGG kit and add on whatever else I need (MOSFETs etc)".

The explicit question, stripped of rambling: Would it be possible to build something similar to the F***Dr*ve 2 using the GGG ITS8 kit (sans enclosure) as a starting point?  Or is this a good time for me to get away from kits and just do everything from scratch?  (Note: I've checked out the BYOC OD2 kit, and it seems like it's quite a bit more expensive than I could do this either from scratch or from the GGG kit, but I might be wrong there.)

Thanks, and again, sorry if this has been addressed a thousand times.  It was difficult to find some of this info given the different names people use to describe this blue boutique pedal.



PS Whoever came up with the questions you answer when registering (what company makes the stratocaster, etc): you are awesome.


Yeah it should be possible to build a Fulldrive 2 using a Tube Screamer PCB, after all it is basically a TS with an extra knob.

Welcome to the forum :)
