Historical question, the first stomp boxes?

Started by mrscientificterms, July 12, 2010, 11:16:40 PM

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As I was sitting on my porch this evening with my neighbors shooting the breeze, and consuming a fine cold beverage after a rather hot and muggy day, the question came up, what was the first stompbox?  Would it have been the Maestro FZ-1?  The question truly has nothing to do with actually building efx, but I figured you fellows would be a great lot to put this question to, thoughts?  cheers!


Google is your friend.

Yes, the story is told several ways.


Well, I did google away, athough it was inconclusive, and I am truly intrigued to catch some the educated opinions from these folks.

Mark Hammer

I was browsing through my back issues of Guitar Player and Vintage Guitar, and it would seem that one of the first guitar effects units predated the FZ-1 by several decades, and was basically a volume and tone foot pedal.