remote indicating bypass

Started by trixdropd, July 18, 2010, 11:38:35 PM

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I whipped up a pedal for myself using your schematic fro relay shown on geofex. I didn't have the right diodes, so I used 1n4001 instead. I found that the led does not go all the way off on bypass. it's slightly dim. I ended up solving the issue by putting a 6.7k resister across both led legs.

Are the diodes the issue here or something else?


Which schemo exactly, and what parts did you use?

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Quote from: R.G. on July 19, 2010, 12:18:40 AM
Which schemo exactly, and what parts did you use?

that schemo, with a diffused superbright blue led and an omron g5v-2-hi relay.

Substituted only the diodes for 1n4001's

I added a 5v zener diode on the + side of the relay, but after the led, as I'm using 9v as my power source.


OK, got the schemo - kind of. Let me feed back what I understood you to say and you correct me.

1. You're using 9V, not 12V for a power supply.
2. You added a 5V zener... where? Between the "+" mark on the relay and the cathode of D2?

I'm not sure what the LED has to do with that. Or did I misunderstand the zener placement?

Try as an experiment manually shorting the base of the transistor to ground (the emitter will do fine).
Does the LED go off entirely then? If so, your drive circuit is not driving the base all the way off. You might need to put a 10K or so between base and emitter/ground if this is the case. CMOS does a good job of grounding a tranistor base, other logic not so well.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Quote from: R.G. on July 20, 2010, 06:43:04 PM
OK, got the schemo - kind of. Let me feed back what I understood you to say and you correct me.

1. You're using 9V, not 12V for a power supply.
2. You added a 5V zener... where? Between the "+" mark on the relay and the cathode of D2?

I'm not sure what the LED has to do with that. Or did I misunderstand the zener placement?

Try as an experiment manually shorting the base of the transistor to ground (the emitter will do fine).
Does the LED go off entirely then? If so, your drive circuit is not driving the base all the way off. You might need to put a 10K or so between base and emitter/ground if this is the case. CMOS does a good job of grounding a tranistor base, other logic not so well.
I just modified the schemo to show exactly what I'm doing.

i should add that on the breadboard it works as expected. on my pcb, it stays dim. I'll have to make sure it's all as should be...

Here's my layout I made.

The extra 4.7k resister is for the remote pedal's led. This is the copper side of pcb, I know it looks backwards. The jacks should be flipped, so disregard the normal non normal labels.


Just as an aside, what program are you using for your PCB layout above?


Quote from: composition4 on July 21, 2010, 01:10:24 PM
Just as an aside, what program are you using for your PCB layout above?

photoshop, only cause I know how to use it well. Someday I'll learn a proper cad program.