how to add an led to this

Started by K3vin, July 22, 2010, 12:47:08 PM

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use a 3pdt switch instead of the dpdt and use the extra bank of contacts for the led. look up true bypass switching with a 3pdt, that should give you all the info you need.


  LED with battery lights for split second, burns out.
 LED with current limiting resistor burns less brightly, but for much longer.
 For light emission a power supply is needed.
 9v is too handy, well use that and a 3k3 current limiter.
 The cathode is marked, cross an LED and resistor lead pinch hard [pliers?.. twist them together, apply the LED>R circuit across the battery +/-, if it doesn't light, reverse polarity, remember which pole the lit the LED when the resistor side touched it.
 This is the LED circuit, to switch it off, use an S*PS*T [the simplest switch] to make/break the connection.
 To switch it off when an effect is bypassed, use an '*P' and '*T' which is part of the bypass switch lugs which connect the power supply to the LED circuit when the effect is on [will light LED]. This requires a 3PDT switch if true bypass wiring is needed. Or, see GEO millenium bypass articles for LED indicator w/true bypass with a DPDT switch.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Pedals Built- Morley ABC Box, Fultone A/B Box, DIY Stompboxes True Bypass box, GGG Drop in Wah, AMZ Mosfet Boost, ROG Flipster, ROG Tonemender, Tonepad Big Muff Pi.
On the bench:  Rebote 2.5,  Dr Boogie, TS808