A couple 12AX7 circuits for inspiration

Started by DC9V, July 23, 2010, 11:08:48 PM

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Pazuzu's thread about what to do with a 12AX7 has reminded me of 2 schematics I have found online and have been storing in my computer in the hope that someday I would be able to make something out of them. This day hasn't come yet, and if I judge by my abysmal ignorance of electronics it isn't bound to happen anytime soon :icon_rolleyes:

These are just raw schematics so they didn't match Pazuzu's criteria (no layout available), therefore rather than threadjacking I figured I'd just start a new post. I'm not sure they will be of interest to anyone, but in the doubt I figured I'd post them anyway.

The first one is a schem of the Marshall VS 8240 amp that I found at DrTube.com, it looks pretty complete as far as I can tell, although I couldn't say if it's correct. It's an old 2x40W stereo transistor-powered amp of the early '90s with a 1 12AX7 preamp. So why exactly would it be interesting to a DIY effects builder? Well, first, for the preamp. It's got a nice clean sound, 2 decent and very Marshall-y distortion channels... oh, and the prettiest crunch channel I've ever heard coming from an amp, including all-tube ones! That's why I still have mine 17 years after I bought it and still use it sometimes. I guess someone with way more electronics know-how than me could possibly make a nice stompboxed crunch/dist out of it that would beat the Guv'nor hands down (the Guv is rumored to be a stompboxed version of the preamp of one of the lower power, tube-less amps in the same line).
This particular amp also includes an analog chorus that sounds pretty good. I haven't looked into it, and it might just be a clone of the CE-2 circuit for all I know, but hey, maybe not.

The second schem is for the Yerasov PD-5 Pterodriver. It's a hi-gain, 4 channel, 2 12AX7 preamp-in-a-(big) stompbox. When I first heard this thing I became obsessed with getting one, but since I had had big trouble in the past with the only distributor in Europe I thought that maybe I'd try to DIY one... until I realized it was way beyond my meager skills :icon_rolleyes:. I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually a clone of an existing design as Yerasov is known for that kind of thing. Once again I don't know if the schem is correct, but I suppose someone could find some inspiration in there.

I dunno if this will be useful to anyone, but you never know...