BSIAB w/SSRP - Note Attack Fizz

Started by aziltz, August 05, 2010, 10:14:23 PM

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I've breadboarded a circuit *VERY* similar to the BSIAB II, only I've used SSRP stages with the extra resistor, ala RG Keen's article "Mod your MiniBooster"

For reference, the BSIAB II -

The only departure I've made is higher drain resistors for lower gain, and 100n for C2.

I'm getting note fizz on the attack, it sounds almost behind the actual note.  It sure is annoying.  I want to keep the thing brighter, with the low gain, but I don't know how to troubleshoot this fizz.

I've tried the following,
Doubling up a LPF on the output for a 2nd order filter.
Cap from Output to Input of SSRP Stages
22p + 220k Feedback from LPF after 2nd stage to input of 2nd stage.

All of those tame the brightness but don't touch the fizz.  Any suggestions?