random number generator wiring

Started by drock4, August 24, 2010, 02:14:57 PM

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sup everyone. i've just put together my first vero build, a RNG based on the layout that rousejeremy posted in this thread: http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=50491.0

buuut i'm having some issues. i'm pretty sure the vero itself is fine - i've been very picky about avoiding solder bridges and making good trace cuts - but i'm sure i've messed up the wiring at some point. i have to admit that i don't really know what i'm doing when it comes to wiring, especially with a 3pdt - so far i've just looked at various diagrams on this site, experimented and used what works. not working this time, though: the led's lighting up and bypass works, but no effect.

i used this Http://www.smallbearelec.com/Detail.bok?no=870 guy from smallbear. i'm especially lost about wiring up the 100k log volume pot.

any advice? i can get more specific and offer pics if that'll help.

thanks so much,


Do you have any pictures of the board or the way you have the volume pot wired?
Consistency is a worthy adversary



hey - i'll need to find a camera, but for now i'll try to explain it.
if you're looking at the picture of the 3pdt board: Http://www.smallbearelec.com/Detail.bok?no=870
i'll list what i've wired each hole to by typing them out in the same spot, if you get what i mean.

1. to pot lug 2                      5. resistor
2. to vero ground                 6. resistor
3. to vero input                    7. negative lead of LED
4. to tip of input jack            8. to tip of output jack

a few other notes:

input and output jack sleeves are grounded to the vero.

output jack ring is not wired to anything.

100k log volume pot lug 1 is vero-grounded and lug 3 is wired to the vero output, as shown on the vero layout.

i strung the positive lead of the LED to the +9V spot on the board, which it shares with the postive battery lead (and the negative battery lead goes to the input ring).

sooo to be honest, i really have no idea what i've done right or wrong. i should really learn my wiring. anyway, thanks so much for helping out!



Do you have lug 2 of the pot going to the Output from board part of the 3pdt pcb?
Consistency is a worthy adversary




It should be. Once you get some pics up we'll be able to tell if it's your wiring. Did you double and triple check things like transistor and electrolytic capacitor orientation?
Consistency is a worthy adversary



yeah, capacitor's and transistor's are all good - gahh. i tried taking some shots with an old camera but the quality at close range is just awful. i'll look for a better camera - in the meantime, any other ideas?


oh, another question - i assumed the red lines in the layout mean the same as the red squares, that is, to cut the trace. is this true?


Consistency is a worthy adversary



> camera but the quality at close range is just awful. ..., any other ideas?

Grandpa has the same problem. Steal his reading glasses. Hold over the camera lens.

If an eye (or camera) works best for "far", and you put a +3 reading lens in front, it now focuses best at 13 inches.