Need help with my pedal.

Started by Milotic, August 30, 2010, 09:36:11 AM

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Hey guys.

i recently finished soldering all the component to a veroboard, to make an ocd pedal.  This is my first attempt at making a pedal.
Schematics are by stratotrasto. Also a veroboard layout was attached with it and i followed that.
heres a link,
The issue is there is no sound coming out of it, not even a bypass signal.  Also the LED turns on and off even without the jack in the stereo input.
I also measured the resistance of solder joints and their neighbors, and got an infinite reading, off the scale or a very very high resistance reading.

I used ceramic capacitors and carbon film capacitors, with 3 exceptions.
C2= 63v polycarbonate 0.068uf
R10 = 39k 1/2W metal film
IC = TL072CP
I measured the voltage across certain parts, here is the list.
also measure the resistance between capacitors and none of them were 0.00omhs.  But not sure if they made a difference.

IC (TL072)
   P1 = 7v    P2 = 1.17     P3 = 2.59
   P4 = 0      P5 = 0.81    P6 = 0.87  
   P7 = 5.43 P8 = 7.68

Q1(2n7000)         Q2(2N7000)
        S = 0             S = 0.40
        G = 0.45        G = 0
        D = 0.45        D = 0
D1(1N914/1N4148)     D2(1N34a)
 A = 7.65                    A = 0.44
 K = 0                         K = 0

Right now i have no clue, if i had to guess it might be wiring.  The wiring diagram I'm following is this
the voltage of the battery is also low, so these values might not be ideal to work with.  Currently the difference between the + and - is 7.58v.  Ill update these tomorrow when if buy a new battery.

Any help would be appreciated.  



The first GLARING issue that I see is that you are reading supply voltage on the wrong pins of the TL072. You should read your supply voltage (V+/9V) on Pin 8. It looks like you have that voltage on Pin 1 (7V). I think you should check any of the following:

1) Make sure your IC is installed properly.
2) Make sure that you are documenting voltages on the PROPER pins. (i.e. Reading the pins correctly.... refer to datasheet)
3) Check your vero strip cuts. Did you cut the traces in the correct spots?
4) Check your grounds (for the LED issue). Make sure they are wired properly.
5) Check the usual errors. Component values, Capacitor placement, solder bridges, off-board wiring!
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Oh hey, your right.  The TL072 is installed the wrong way around, how embarrassing.  I'll go fix this tomorrow and see what happens.
Also, is the ground wire connected to the pedal casing?


ICs turned around is a common mistake. However, the bypass signal is a different story.

I suggest that you go over to JDs site

Look at some of his projects and observe how he does his 3PDT and off-board wiring. I always follow his wiring schemes and I never have a problem with the BYPASS signal.

Also, save yourself some hassle and read out your 3PDT switch. It may save you a few hours.

As far as the ground wire connection to the casing, most wiring schemes connect the SLEEVES of the Input/Output jacks to ground therefore, since the sleeves are touching the enclosure once they are tightened down, the enclosure becomes part of the ground as well.

Hope that helps!
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
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With the ic, I've checked everything again, but it turns out the tl072 is in the right place.  It was the pins i measured incorrectly.
this is my poor attempt and an ocd. 

The problem was i measured pins incorrectly, ill update the measurements.