Old traynor tremolo tweak?

Started by Arn C., September 15, 2010, 02:48:16 PM

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Arn C.


I was wondering if anyone knows how to slow down the tremolo in this circuit , it is too fast and won't go slow enough for me.

Arn C.


I did a search at the traynor yahoo group, one of the guys recommended changing the .01 caps to .02 to slow things down, hope it helps.  I have my YSR open at home, maybe I'll try it this weekend and let you know.
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Arn C.

Thanks man !  I will give a shot!

Arn C.


Double the size of all SIX caps. 

Doubling just the 0.01 will run slower, but note there is a 0.015 also. If you lose this 0.01:0.15 or 0.02:0.03 ratio, the oscillator is less likely to start. Also the cathode cap must be "large" at the lowest rate or it will tend to not-start. The 0.02 output cap must pass the lower rate so it should be larger. And "tik" may be a problem, the 0.001 cap reduces that, and may as well be larger.

The 0.01/0.015 caps can be 0.022/0.033. 0.001 becomes 0.0022. Use 0.047 output and go ahead with 100u cathode cap.

Arn C.

Hey man, Thanks a bunch for all the info.  I will do this today.

Arn C.