What's a good project for some NOS AC187's and BC108C's?

Started by dmc777, September 24, 2010, 04:42:58 AM

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I bought 10 of these tested and closely matched. If it helps the highest HFE is around 330 matched and lowest 265 matched. The highest being 370.

I also have a matched pair of BC109C's. The HFE appears to be either 518 or 578. I got these from Orpheus on ebay if anyone knows if they're products are reliable. Believe their based out of Bulgaria or something like that.

I been wanting to build a good Fuzz Face to replace my Skreddy lunar module which uses 3 BC109's and have also been wanting to build a good germanium 60's style fuzz. What HFE would be appropriate for these? I'm thinking about ordering some AC128's for the 60's unless convinced otherwise.

One more thing, how can I tell of these AC187's and BC109C's are NPN or PNP? Any help appreciated. I've been thinking about using the boutique 60's style fuzz for my germanium.


Lots of Fuzz Face info here.


Searching the web for data sheets for the parts will tell you if they are NPN or not.
Big Muff, Trotsky Drive, Little Angel, Valvecaster, Whisker Biscuit, Smash Drive, Green Ringer, Fuzz Face, Rangemaster, LPB1, Bazz Fuss/Buzz Box, Radioshack Fuzz, Blue Box, Fuzzrite, Tonepad Wah, EH Pulsar, NPN Tonebender, Torn's Peaker...