Anyone build a Colorsound Powerboost using Aaron's schematics?

Started by dmc777, October 05, 2010, 05:00:29 PM

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Just curious if you guys had any experience building one of these 9v's based on Aaron's schematic I posted below. I've read that the transistors really don't matter too much. I know I have 3 BC109C's with an hfe of around 530. Would that be fine in all 3 locations? Did you guys just use new parts or go the vintage mojo route? I've been wanting to build one of these for a while now.


I built one using the schematic listed at the bottom of that layout, but I didn't use that actual vero layout. I made my own PCB layout (pics) because it has to fit a certain form factor for the multi-effects unit I'm (slowly) building). Worked fine.

I think I used BC549C transistors, but also tried BC109C, which sounded fine. I added the volume control on the end of the circuit, else it was just too loud for my use when the gain was all the way up.

Consider using a reverse audio pot for the gain control. On mine, all of the distortion is bunched up in the last fraction of a turn of the potentiometer. I've got one on my list for my next parts order.


If you're not doing it for yourself, it's not DIY. ;)

My effects site: Just one more build... | My website: America's Debate.



If you're not doing it for yourself, it's not DIY. ;)

My effects site: Just one more build... | My website: America's Debate.


Quote from: .Mike on October 05, 2010, 06:09:24 PM
I built one using the schematic listed at the bottom of that layout, but I didn't use that actual vero layout. I made my own PCB layout (pics) because it has to fit a certain form factor for the multi-effects unit I'm (slowly) building). Worked fine.

I think I used BC549C transistors, but also tried BC109C, which sounded fine. I added the volume control on the end of the circuit, else it was just too loud for my use when the gain was all the way up.

Consider using a reverse audio pot for the gain control. On mine, all of the distortion is bunched up in the last fraction of a turn of the potentiometer. I've got one on my list for my next parts order.



What value reverse pot do you recommend? Also, does the gain of the transistors really matter like a fuzz face? I have some BC109's that are in the 500 range. Also, can any value go anywhere on the board or do you need smaller gain in the front and higher last ala fuzz face? Thanks in advance. BTW-I'm using Madbeans board which has 3 different variations of the powerboost  I believe. I'm sure I could still use Aaron's but I can't figure out if I wanna go orignial or updated.


I've built it but it doesn't work. I've checked all the solder joints with a multimeter (resistance) and it's ok in all paths but no signal out. Transistors are well placed. I don't understand what happened... ??? :'(


I made a similar mistake by calling Dragonfly's layouts aron's , it's slackers's layout


I did read the tutorial and even found out a mistake (cap on the oposite way but it still doesn't work).
Another check and I've found out a short to ground! It's working and kicking! :icon_biggrin: :P
Man, it does boosts! It's a great clean boost and a cool overdrive if we turn the volume knob over 1:00. Going over 4:00 will take you to some mean distortion. Cool. Loved it in front of both the Big Muff and Fuzz Face. The only but is that it kills my tiny tremoloo effect... It's just to loud for him...
Voltages to ground (no signal in) in the final working effect: