Converting a crescendo pedal to a wah

Started by Derifity, October 30, 2010, 03:16:07 AM

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So i was given an old Australian made crescendo pedal a few years back and after not find too much use for it sat around collecting dust until now.
A drunken conversation with a friend at 3 this morning somehow ended up on the topic of pedals and specifically that there is not too much difference between a wah and crescendo pedal
so i looked up some schematics and found some for a cry baby and seeing as this pedal is of similar size (about 25 cm x 10 cm to 7 cm) i thought it would be a good use for an unused pedal.

As a complete beginner to building a pedal i thought it was best to seek some advice first...

So can anyone give me advice on this? (whether it is a good idea/will work or if it will just ruin a perfectly good pedal)

P.S. i have some photos of the innards of the pedal however i having a bit of trouble uploading them right now


The subforum you posted this in is specifically for building one project: a transistor boost pedal.

For general questions like yours, you should post in the "building your own stompbox" forum - you'll get way more replies there.

I have never heard the term "crescendo pedal" before, but I assume it's a volume pedal. The enclosure should be usable for a wah pedal, but you will need to completely replace the electronics as it's not possible to modify a volume circuit to be a wah circuit with just some parts changes.