Ge 4 Big Muff - how are the 'bias' and 'volts' effects achievd?

Started by ribolovec2, November 20, 2010, 04:04:45 AM

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Hello guys..
I've been looking for a schematic of the pedal mentioned above for days in order to see how are those effects accomplished. As i haven't found anything, I'm asking you for help. Is the 'bias knob' just changing the bias for the whole circuit (for example form 50% from the input volatge to, say, 20, or sometihnig) or is it more copmlex? And another thing - is the 'volts' knob just reducing the voltage, or is there some more complex circuity? That's what I suppose these knobs could do, but it sounds suspiciously simple. So, would you please help me?


I'd guess the same.

Distortion pedals are almost all really simple. Simple is good business. Since a 2k pot wired as a rheostat between the power jack and the +v rail works, it's good. Make the bias resistors at the front end of the pedal a pot - it works, so it's good. They probably have fixed resistors on either side of the bias pot (one from lug 3 to v+, one from lug 1 to gnd) to make sure the user can't do anything too weird.

I doubt you'll see a schem of it just yet as it's new, but I think you're on the right track and I'd recommend you try those mods to a muff clone and see where they take you.