It's Xmas time!! Tayda Electronic Discount Coupon

Started by arma61, December 01, 2010, 02:25:03 AM

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John Lyons

Basic Audio Pedals

Mark Hammer

I must have spent an hour preparing an order today.  Turns out I need Paypal and my paypal account is screwed up, so I'm fine waiting for a coupon.


Mark can you make it for next Tuesday?!  :D because.........

GOT IT!!!!


Here is the details of promotion coupons,

All discount coupons are available through 3rd of December till 7th of December.

$2 USD discount coupon code :  635971  ( minimum order $20 USD )

$5 USD discount coupon code :  127945  ( minimum order $50 USD )

$10 USD discount coupon code :  969515  ( minimum order $100 USD )


*To use this coupon you need to have registered account with

**Please remember to click on "Sign In" sign during checkout process in your shopping cart; where you will be asked for discount coupon details.

Thank you for choosing us.

happy shopping!!!!


"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen

Mark Hammer

Excellent!  I save $5.  That's another 500 resistors!


wish it were 10% off... but hey, $10 off is better than nothing!


Thanks arma61!  And it's good 'til the 7th so I don't have to do it in a rush tonight.   ;D
The people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living.


Sweet!  Thanks for the codes.  I'm kinda relieved.  Now I don't feel too bad spending that chunk of change two weeks ago.  I can justify 10 bucks, but not 10% on... well...  

... good thing I'm not married.   ;D


Many thanks, arma61.  It is funny they are having a sale, as I just priced the parts for my current project.  Nothing like saving money!! Yeah!! :o


Does anyone know if there are any alternatives to MAX1044/ICL7660 on Tayda?

I've only got about a dollar's worth of diodes to buy, so I figure I might as well get some ICs too. I'm not looking to build any HV SMPSs, but a voltage doubler/tripler circuit would be nice to have. Any ICs I can use in a simple circuit for this? Otherwise I can play with some of the 555s I accidentally over-ordered last time  :icon_confused: I think it might be whiny though...


Ceramic resonators for 14 cents?!?!?!  I will never have to throw away a broken direct tv remote again.


A question about the straight pin alpha pots: What are the mounting options that work best with these kind of pots?

These seem best either for long narrow layouts with inline pots where the board can fit vertically in the enclosure, or for having a standalone pot board with a wire harness to the circuit board. Also, these pots seem well suited for breadboarding.

Any I missing any other options? A lot of the layouts I'm working on depend on the right angle pc mount pots, and I don't see a good way of using the straight pin pots. But 40cents versus 95 cents is a big difference.


To answer my own question, thanks to google, it seems these straight pin pots are also called "vertical mount" pots, and the right angle pin pots are often called "horizontal mount". I can't think of a reasonable way to solidly mount these vertical pots to a horizontal board.


so then don't

twist the pins into hooks and connect with wires  ;)


Those pots are also perfect for when you want the controls to be on the side of the enclosure.
Warsaw, Indiana's poetic love rock band:




but the local store has them  :)

Its a shame, cause Tayda would have had them for cheap!


Ah we have no local stores that would have them around my parts. Shame, I forgot all sorts of ICs in my last smallbear order, hoping I could pick some up.


How in the hell have I missed this place?! Those prices are ridiculous!!
....the staircase had one too many steps