Fulltone Plimsoul

Started by clamup1, December 03, 2010, 01:06:47 PM

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Quote from: Mark Hammer on December 09, 2010, 09:29:41 AM
Patents and I.P. aside, if something sounds decent, is well-built, provides a service to musicians, and sells for a reasonable price, what's the big deal?

Somewhere out there are a bunch of grumpy bakers kvetching about something being sold in a grocery chain as "artisan bread", and they're all, like, "Man, it's JUST flour and yeast, for crying out loud.", and "Yeah, I wish *I* could get $3.99 a loaf for my white bread", and "Harumph, stick an 'artisan' label on something and you can sell any old crap for twice the price".

Well, I don't think this thread has had anybody complaining about this pedal being sold for whatever amount it sells for. I have seen that kind of complaining, but it would be at other forums. I think it's altogether different to scratch one's chin about patents on TS->DS-1 pedals.

Look at The Tone God's Nerfuzz. That is about the most advanced fuzz pedal I imagine must exist on this planet, and the integration of ideas is so perfectly done (sorry if I'm embarrassing you, Andrew). But clearly he doesn't think patenting anything in there is worthwhile, and it might be the case that a patent could not be granted on any of the ideas there. If something like that can't necessarily be patented, it's worth pondering what could be inside any overdrive pedal that could be patented.

I think in this case you might be seeing a sinister tone that's not there, but I don't blame you because of the way similar discussions tend to go on the internet. In this case, I (and I assume everyone else here) was sincerely curious, not rolling my eyes at the guy.


Re hard/soft clip- check the gm arts overdrive. Been around for years.
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


All I'm gonna say is its beefy/muddy w/e you want to call it . Version 2 mods fix that a little for a great Jailbreak AC/DC
sound . A Brian May Treble Booster/Rnagemaster in front of it is amazing and opens the pedal up to a lot more sounds .
I built my own so YMMV .