Basic pedal setup question

Started by stompboxnoob, December 03, 2010, 10:07:17 PM

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Ok, so this weekend I was going to build my first pedal but I wanted to check something before I started going at it.  To set up my pedal so when I hit the switch my board will get power and my LED will light up. What order should I wire it all in. Would it be, battery -> switch -> LED -> PCB? My diagrams and schematic doesn't say.


You don't want to run your boards power through the LED if that is what you are implying. Also you will want a resistor between your power supply and the LED positive to prevent it from frying. Check the FAQ and Wiki for information on switching mechanisms with an LED there are all sorts of diagrams on how to do this.

Hope that helps and good luck with your first build. :icon_biggrin: