DD-3 no delay efffect

Started by carp, December 29, 2010, 05:28:46 PM

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I have replaced the C31 (10/16);  C30 (47/6.3)....but I had to use a (47/10);  C51 (100uF);  The D6 was good.  Couldn't find a 78L05 .  Switch turns the light on and off but only a clean signal......no delay effect at all.  HELP? ??? ???


Just like a DIY pedal that doesn't work at first, your best bet is to trace through with an audio probe and find the point where you stop having sound. I couldn't find a DD-3 schematic, but if it bares much resemblance to the DD-2 it will be tough to find the problem - it could be anywhere in the filtering, companding, the microcontroller, the RAM...


I do not have any kind of diagnostic tools for this stuff.  I can just replace what most people say fixed their dd-3's.  I just want to sell it at this point ........maybe someone that can diagnose it....????



No time or patients for this stuff.  I could just smash it with a hammer in a you tube video unless someone wants to buy it????  It looks new (no scratches or missing/faded paint) and I still have the box, instruction sheet and original decals.  Anyone????


aaarrggghhhh......i meant patience.....


Hey man, sorry you're having so many problems with this. Boss pedals can be rough to fix if they're not working. I know cause I have some on my bench.

The problem with this is that nobody will buy it for what it's worth. I've bought working DD3's used for 50 bucks, with no scratches or issues or anything, so a non working DD3 is worth maybe 10 bucks. It will cost you more than that to ship it to me.

I've talked with Boss quite a bit lately (again, cause I have some broken Boss pedals) - it's really expensive to fix them. Especially when it comes to the delay pedals because they're all proprietary digital circuits. There's little computers in that little box that you can't replace with the kind of technology we have (at least not easily and with no experience). Those parts are also impossible to buy, and you'd likely have to find another non working DD3 pedal and hope some of the parts from that will fix the one you have.

In my humble opinion, you're better off just buying a new one. Please don't smash it with a hammer, because even if you don't have the patience today, you may have some patience at a later date and can try and fix it up again. Like Taylor said, if you built an audio probe you'd be able to find where the problem is. If it's a simple fix, we're happy to guide you to it. If it's not fixable, at least then you know you can take all the guts out of it, and reuse the enclosure for some cool effect pedal you might be able to build for yourself!



The real kick in the pants is that I had already sold this pedal fro $110 a week ago.  I had no way of actually listenening to the delay effect but with power and cables attached, it light up......and it worked the last time that I used it.......many years ago. I obviously returned the buyers $ once he siad that it didn't work.   For some weird reason, the D6 diode was rattling around in the box(before selling) because it came loose from the board.  The pedal works the same with or without this diode.  So I replaced some of the items people on here listed as problems they encountered and still nothing.  I just wanted to fix it so I can sell it but that isn't going to happen.  It is absolutely pristiene.  What a shame.  If I could get $45 for it I'd take it at this point.


Assuming this is the non-SMD version (which it sounds like it is), check out this thread:


The guys over there are experts at anything Boss and could likely help you out. But read through the whole thread first because I believe the "no delay signal" issue is covered near the bottom of the first page.


Also, check the two electrolytics on the separate pot board that are on either side of the Feedback pot. If one of them is blown then you would probably not have delay signal since everything goes through one of those (though I don't remember offhand which one it is).


Thanks for the info.....I just may give fixing this thing another try.