Eagle question - teardrops, T intersections

Started by Beo, December 31, 2010, 05:48:40 PM

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Does anyone know a good way of adding finishing touches to eagle trace routes? For instance, what if I want my pads to have a teardrop shape connecting to a trace? What if I want a T Intersection to have a triangle for pseudo 45 degree connections?

I know how to create a polygon assigned to one signal name, as in a GND pour, but in the T intersection example, there are multiple nets connecting, and I want a triangle shape.

Thanks for any ideas.


But multiple nets shouldn't connect, except through components... Assuming you actually mean "multiple connections of the same net" you do basically the same as you would for a ground pour.

For T junctions you draw the poly as a triangle (or other suitable shape to fill the space), name it the same as the net you want to attach it to, then ratsnest to fill it in.

Teardrop pads aren't supported.


Thanks! I got the triangle fill working. You're right about multiple nets. Makes sense.


You don't need to use polygons for junctions....just use the wire button and a wire bend of 45 deg. When you terminate a wire on another one, it automatically becomes part of that net.

While you can't do fillets to join traces and pads, you can use a thicker wire over top of a thinner one. So, if your trace is 24 mils, pull another one out from the pad that is 40-50 mils to overlap the thinner one below.


While you can use wires for that they don't follow the thermal isolation settings for pads. The polygon method does.


i would like to say that even if you have sub par soldering skills, you have me beat. i don't even trouble shoot. i just build them to print, and if they don't work....they go in the failure bin.


My problem is that I've developed a deep hatred for offboard wiring. I'm endeavoring to board mount all my pots and minimize wiring as much as possible. Add a few mods, FX Loops and combo circuits, and the standard Tonepad and GGG layouts don't cut it. Now that I'm semi-proficient in eagle, I've become a little OCD about it. Each circuit has to be perfect... It really is a sickness.


Quote from: Beo on January 01, 2011, 02:49:23 AM
My problem is that I've developed a deep hatred for offboard wiring. I'm endeavoring to board mount all my pots and minimize wiring as much as possible. Add a few mods, FX Loops and combo circuits, and the standard Tonepad and GGG layouts don't cut it. Now that I'm semi-proficient in eagle, I've become a little OCD about it. Each circuit has to be perfect... It really is a sickness.

Watch yourself, I have 3 boards I've been working on for about a year and a half now...  :icon_cry: :icon_cry: :icon_cry:

I think this forum needs to form a self-help group for board tweakers... 0_o
All children left unattended will be given a mocha and a puppy