Adding Dual LFO circuit to PWM

Started by Jamforthelamb, January 05, 2011, 09:08:30 AM

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Hello All,

I'm using this LFO circuit to modulate Tim E.'s PWM

Do I have to do anything special to connect the two? I'm getting some ticking in the signal chain (even when bypassed with input grounded) and the LFO works very inconsistanly (the trianglewave isn't really much of a triangle).



I breadboarded that same LFO this past weekend.  I tried it on a crash sync.  I agree the triangle was not very triangly.  I attempted tweaking it a bit but didnt really improve anything.  I might look for a different LFO this coming weekend.


I've used this circuit quite a bit for other projects and didn't have any issues. I just didn't know if I need to add like a cap or something to get it to work with the PWM.


My main reason for this question is due to the way that the LFO is wired on the original schematic. Would I need to run my dual LFO circuit through a little transistor like that?