Anybody Heard of Dwarfcraft Devices?

Started by pkvine, February 22, 2011, 12:30:43 PM

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Just curious if anyone has ever heard of Dwarfcraft Devices....and if so, what do you think of the pedals?

I've seen some reviews on youtube and have my opinions, but I'm just looking for some honest thoughts from anyone else.



this one's killer for getting a full range of experimental tones...and some normal ones, too

always think outside the box


  Hex Buffer mentioned.
  Seems like it used to be more fun to look at datasheets, haven't seen this one yet, tires of searching easily with that these days.
  Interesting schematic, mysterious chip ! !
  Sure looks easy enough to keep the wiring straight. 
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Dwarfcraft got me into building stompboxes.  Alan Sparhawk from the band Low is about my favourite guitarist at the moment, and Aen designed and built the first Great Destroyer for him (it's the name of a Low album).

When I checked out the pedal, i had a eureka-I-could-make-that moment.

I digress, Dwarfcraft stuff mostly seems fairly off the wall, like there's some skewed thinking going on.  That's a good thing, IMO. 

I think Aen pops by this forum occasionally, and goes to that other place quite often.  By all accounts a nice feller, which is much more important than building nice pedals.  :icon_wink:


I have wondered about the Low album/Dwarfcraft pedal tie in with The Great Destroyer.  Interesting.  I used to be a huge Low fan, I saw them live many times, during their Albini album phase...just before Secret Name through Trust.  They were a great band and really interesting people to talk to.  I can't stand the last two albums, though.



So, back to Dwarfcraft......the whole reason I was checking out his stuff is because I live in Wisconsin and thought it was interesting that someone was making pedals in the state.....but......

I mean no disrespect......I'm sure the guy is very nice......I just can't see spending $180-$300 on one of those pedals.  I mean, give the guy a gold star for thinking outside the box, but most (with one or two excptions) of the pedals I heard demoed (on youtube) sound pretty close to the broken speaker in the passenger door of my Plymouth Neon.  Again, not trying to be a jerk.....I'm just trying to figure out why musician's friend and pro guitar shop are selling them.  Maybe there is a style of music that these pedals work great for or maybe I'm just too close minded.  I don't know, but when I could buy a BK Butler Tube Driver, Keeley, etc.... pedal for $300 or under, I'm not sure that I see the appeal to the Dwarfcraft line.


they probably have hyped up scenester value

and good for their designer for being able to seize on that


Quote from: pkvine on February 22, 2011, 03:58:59 PMthere is a style of music that these pedals work great for

That's the ticket. For the folks who will be buying these, tube drivers, keeley tube screamers, etc. are not at all a holy grail. Different strokes and all that.

I actually like TGD. It's basically an Anderton tube sound fuzz but with the wrong IC in it (Aen even said that he was trying to build the TSF and accidentally bought the wrong chips on Mouser), but the sounds it makes are pretty neat I think. The Tone God's "Christine" does some similar stuff while being a little more on the "usable" end of the scale. I have a PCB for it at my site, but it would also be simple enough to perf.


If he can make a living doing these things good for him, but I'm disinclined to pay that kind of money for those kinds of things


And then you haven'teven seen the insides of one yet  :icon_mrgreen:


i'm from wisconsin too.  and holy hell for marketing...95$. although i do understand, probably sells them to musicians friend for 45$ and they mark it up.