Fuzz Face clone not working

Started by jimmydweed, February 24, 2011, 07:39:02 AM

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Ive just finished building a pnp fuzz face on veroboard and it doesn't work correctly. Sound only comes through the speaker for a split second when you strike the strings really hard then there's just silence as the strings vibrations lessen. I have no idea whats wrong with it?. Thanks in advance.


It would be a good idea to post a picture(s) along with your post for the more senior pedal builders to see what you have going. As the adage goes, "Pictures are worth a thousand words".

Good luck.


  Ten hundred useless words or the debugging sticky, follow the debugging sticky.
  Ten hundred useless words Then the debugging sticky ?
  Main thing is an intact signal path and about 1/2v on Q2 collector.
  To get 1/2v on Q2c, adjust Q2C bias resistor. If that isn't doin' it then..something else..find miswires by dialing and using the DMM, every way it can be applied is easier to say than describing every way it can be applied.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


How do i measure the voltage on the transistor? Negative lead of DMM on the collector and positive lead on battery?


Convention creates following, following creates convention.


  Verify non-shorting condition of PS/battery clip.
  Clip Black DMM lead to ground.
  Apply power, use red lead and measure the 'idle' [no input] bias potentials between Gnd.
E: O.0v
B  .65v
C  1.15v

E: .48v
B: same as Q1C
C*: About 1/2 v.
  *This is the number that mostly the other numbers follow, if you can adjust +/-  ..about 1/2 of battery voltage, generally the box works and the other voltage fall in place.
  Those are just example numbers to show how to designate the pins when writing the pin voltage notes.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.