GGG Ross Clone Volume Problem

Started by jmclaren, February 26, 2011, 08:04:24 PM

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I just built a Ross compressor clone using a General Guitar Gadgets circuit board.  The layout calls for a 50k audio pot for the level control.  I had a a 100k audio pot on hand and used it instead.  The compressor works fine, accept that I don't get unity gain untill the volume pot is turned almost all the way up.  Could the pot value difference cause this, or should I be looking for a different problem?


100k will work, and is working. The output of a Ross is pretty near unity as is. To eke a little more out, replace the 10k resistor in series with the output pot with a jumper and that should give you about 10% more using a 100k level pot (which is probably just barely enough to even notice, but still - better than nothing right? :) )


Jay Doyle


Thanks for the response, Jay. Would swapping in a 50k pot make a difference?