Guv´nor clone project

Started by Perkla, March 08, 2011, 04:40:36 PM

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So i got the stuff to build a Guvnor clone, i made the PCB my self to.. :D

It sounds really good in my opinion, i also installed a SPDT switsh for clipping.....

Some pictures

I still need to label it with Volume, gain, treble etc etc...

Will upload video soon...


Looks like an awesome job.  ;D

In the future, these kinds of posts should be uploaded in the Pictures forum here:

This part of the forum is generally reserved for problems with builds and/or questions about builds.

Looks like a quality build. Let us know how it turns out and.... more specifically.... sounds to YOU!  ;D
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
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Ohh sorry about that..  :-\ in the future i will upload pictures of finished pedals in the pictures section... ;D

Yes .. its a great pedal, wish i could have a little more gain though..  :icon_confused:

But.. i can recommend anyone to build a guvnor cus i really like the sound, and i belive it will sound even better with a tube amp, i only have a Marshall MG 15 MS II Microstack...

Any ideas about more gain in a Guvnor.. ?

I have two 1N914 and two LED´s in it..


I belive there is no other diode that i can use for more gain.. 1N4001 and 1N4148 and 1N914 is pretty much the same..

Maybe some other IC will give more gain.. ?

Or some other pot on the gain... ? i have A100K now..


If you want A LOT of gain... you may want to build a Dr. Boogie circuit.

As for the Guv'nor... try some searches on here or Google for mods.

Good Luck  ;D
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
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Have a look at this picture... u can see where the red ring is... and thats where D3 and D5 is suppose to be....

Will it be more gain if i solder two 1N914 on there.. ?

Right now i have nothing in D3 and D5


Quote from: Perkla on March 09, 2011, 07:59:30 AM
Have a look at this picture... u can see where the red ring is... and thats where D3 and D5 is suppose to be....
Will it be more gain if i solder two 1N914 on there.. ?

I dont think you will get more gain out of it if you install the diodes. (At least NOT what you are looking for if you want a deeper, heavier distortion)

Those are for symetrical/asymetrical clipping.

Dont be reactive. Be proactive and look up "symetrical clipping" and "asymetrical clipping" and see if that is what you are looking for.

Good Luck  ;D
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'


I allready have a SPDT switch installed for clipping.. and what i know of right now the switch i installed have nothing to do with the D3 and D5.. cus there is no components in there..


They are for SYMETRICAL or ASYMETRICAL signal clipping!!
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'


I built it from what i could fint on GGG... and i installed the SPDT switch like shown in the PDF file...  and i could not read about if i am suppose to install anything in D3 and D5.. so thats why i didnt install anything there..  but i belive i can install diodes .. but what different would that make...? cus i allready have installed the switch for clipping..

I changed the 100k Gain pot to a 250k ... and that was a pretty good uppgrade for encrease the gain a little.. :D  at least i could hear a little different from 2-5  (if talking time on the gainpot)


Perhaps someone else can chime in here and try to explain the difference between signal clipping and Gain amount.
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'


Where can i post a link to a demo of my pedal.. ? 


Quote from: Perkla on March 09, 2011, 01:07:10 PM
Where can i post a link to a demo of my pedal.. ? 

put your video or mp3 on a host site... then copy the host file link , choose the box 'globe' (hyperlink box) above

and put your link between the url bits ok....

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


I know that... what i mean is where on this site...  ;D


What if i change the 1N914 diodes in D4 and D6... would that maybe give a better sound or more gain.. ?  Or removing the leds and replace with some diodes.. ?  and what kind of diodes would that be to get a sound with as much gain as possible.. ?


Maybe its possible to change the TL072 and repalce it with a RC4558 or some other IC to get another kind of sound.. ?  what do u think its possible to do to improve the sound of a guvnor.. ?


Now i have been thinking a little again..

Looking att the schematicts... it says that it should have a 100k pot on the gain... i replaced that to a 250k to get some more gain.. and yes  i did get a little more gain, and would it give me even more gain if i replace the 250k with a 500k on the gain pot.. ?

And, i am using two leds + two 1N914 diodes.. maybe replace the leds with two diodes.. ? for more gain.. ?


500k might give you more gain; you could try up to 1M, but sooner or later it will max out and you wont get any more out of it.

Diodes=more clipping, not more gain.  It will sound more distorted- "Gainier" or "Fuzzier" if you will, but will not have more gain.  In fact it will have less output.  LEDs clip less and give a more "crunchy" tone, rather than "fuzzy".  So using some 1N419 or 14001s instead of LEDs might sound more the way you want.
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


Ok thanx.. will it be possible to use a 500K rev-log pot.. ? for the gain.. ?  thats the only thing i have at the moment..

And i will replace the leds with some 1N914 diodes.


I have been thinking a little about clipping, the switch i have now is a SPDT that is connected to the Circuit board,  i used the wiring diagram from GGG.

I have been searching on the internet for this two empty diode places  D3 and D5 and cant find any information about it... so what difference will it make is i install diodes in there.. ?

As i said before, i allready have a SPDT switch installed for clipping and it seems to work fine..