Started by darron, March 12, 2011, 09:51:59 AM

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I got an email tonight... Will give the benefit of the first, but thought I'd like to show you this

Hello Dazatronyx team ! 
Greetings from Brasil !

How are you doing there? I hope fine.
My name is Marcus Spada and I am writing this letter because i have a big problem in my hands and i need your urgent assistance. So recently a friend of mine who was in Australia bought as present to me the Dazatronyx Class A Germanium Amplifier pedal, sealed, brand new, during his business trip. He sent the pedal to me trought the post. He lives in Portugal .
This pedal sounds really great!
I loved that vintage sounds and used it a lot to push my valve amp . The bright is wonderful and the resources are really great !
Back to the problema: i was playing when my unit stopped working. I do not know what happened 'cos i just used 9v. alkaline battery (Duracell). I'll try to be clear ...when i turn on the footswitch there's NOT boost effects nor signal and when i turn off the footswitch the straight clear sound comes normally. The 03 mode mini-toggle switch also don't works. The big led's lights on/off but theres no sound . i changed the battery and the pedal not works.
I do not tried to fix it myself and i do not touched on circuit.
Unfortunately i could not find dealers yours here or professional support.
Then today March.12nd.2011 i sent back my defective pedal back to you trought the regular post (economic way).

Big trouble ahead!

See, according to the postmaster my pedal will spend up or more absurd 90 working days to get there in Australia due to Brasil customs and federal revenue exigences and laws over imported products specially electronics. Dear friends i would like to ask you please that you send me a new pedal in meantime (just trought common mail - trackable Regular Post, never Fedex, UPS, etc) because unfortunately i have not financial conditions to buy another one because i have not credit cards or paypal account and i really can not be waiting the lifetime for my boost pedal back because i need it asap to can work/record/play. I know 90 working days sounds ridiculous but unfortunately is the truth! I hope and trust you Two-year Warranty and that you understand my problema and really could help me very urgent please.
If possible i would like to got your business card ans some few stuff like stickers etc to garnish my guitar case.
Please do not forget. just send it trought normal/common mail and if possible declare just warranty replacement or free gift on invoice (zero worth/value). Here the taxes and fees are really insane!
Again i thank you a million for all.
Please register my home place address:

Marcus Spada * Rua Doutor Campos Salles, 355 Apto. 116 * Sao Vicente * Sao Paulo * CEP 11310-430 * Centro * BRASIL

Phone #  13 30273839

IMPORTANT: If you need i can provide the post receipt scanned copy containing all details such as my id number, address and proving my shipment back.

Kindest regards and nice weekend,
M. Spada
March, 12nd.2011

* The pedal was shipped back intact, complete and untouchable to your address marked bellow:

Which immediately reminded me of an email I received on 8 March 2009:

My name is Rogerio and I play guitar professionally since 70's. Around 02 weeks ago about my friend bought for me as a gift the Dazatronyx Germanium Fuzz Distortion pedal, new, in Australia during his working trip, because as I only use my fender stratocaster straight on my Laney amp I needed a "sauce". The pedal is great and works perfectly for my style. But something bad happened and my pedal stopped working.  The led lights up but has no sound when I turn on the pedal. When I turn off the led lights off too and the sound is normally. I tested the 9VDC Power Supply and i'ts good. I tried to contact my friend who's bought the pedal as gift to me but he's travelling some place in Asia i don't know where.  As I have difficulties in achieving a technical or dealers yours here and also because I was afraid to have someone trying to fix it and I lose the warranty so I sent the pedal to you yesterday August.1st.09  (sorry for just write today but i coudn't acess Internet yesterday...) through the economic mail. The problem is that as I have no money so I sent trought cheapest way and the post manager explained that my pedal will spend more than 90 working days (absurd) to get there . Could you send me a new pedal in meantime? I hope so 'cos i have restrictions on my credit card and i can't to buy another one and i can't be awaiting more than 03 months for...I'm being honest and transparent because really need your urgent help please.
If you need I can send a copy of the mail receipt containing all details from my shipment and details such as my ID number and proving my shipment back okay ?
Waiting ...
Rogério Tolomei Teixeira
August 2nd.2009

My address:
Rogério T. Teixeira
Caixa Postal 134
S.Vicente - SP
CEP 11.310-971
i sent back my unit intact and complete to : (I BLANKED THIS OUT.... IT WAS MY REAL POSTAL ADDRESS)

P.S. I don't tried to open the unit and i don't touched in the circuit or inside the unit. I 've sent it back intact to you.

almost definitely the same person. i'm curious to know how the postal address was concluded as it is not advertised. it IS written as the return address on things that i post out... this list of things that i've sent to brazil is VERY short....

if anybody has any thoughts i'd be interested. at the very least you can take it as a laugh.... :)

some of the builders here may have something deeper to contribute, happy to go a little OT on this one...
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


Muite bem!

Send him a box with a fake paper stompbox marked 'Germanium Paper Shredder' or whatever. Two of your worst leaky Ge trannies inside. Just to have a laugh.

That's what some guy did to a scammer from Nigeria who wanted to 'buy' a Macbook but was going to pay a week later. The scammer paid some money in advance to cover shipping and received a card board laptop... ;D

Nigerians are notorious. A friend wanted to sell his cell phone for 50 euros asking price and got an 'offer' for 120 euros. Welcome to capitalism... ::) He tracked his IP down and said that they could meet at to 'Bower Tower', next door to the scammers house/internet shop. Wanted to make him an offer he couldn't resist ;D.
[DIYStompbox user name]


Takes about 30 seconds to get your postal address off the internet.


Yup, probably on your WhoIs for your website.


yep  ;) I'd like to claim I have l33t hacking skilz but it's freely available for anyone who looks.


I got the same mail, don't remember which email it was sent from, but obviously a scam of some sort. Brazilian guy/girl.

General tone addict
Deaf Audio at Facebook


Alright, what do you guys think of these?

Received today: (I don't sell any amps lol)


My name is Kaleb. I am a working professional musician in Georgia, and I have a very great interest in your amps. I am in a band that plays large venues and opens on a regular basis for names such as Vince Gill, Diamond Rio, Earl Thomas Conley, and Gene Watson. I also do expansive guitar work in colleges in my area. The point is that I have a very wide outspread audience in Georgia and North Carolina of musicians who constantly ask about my gear. I feel confident that by using me and my audience as a gateway, I could help spread the word about your equipment. I am not asking for personal gain in any way. I would never extend this offer your way and go to the trouble if I was not certain that by investing one time in me, that I could obtain more business for your company. In this way, it would be very helpful for both of us, being that I am a major gear junky and am constantly searching for new options to add to my rig. Please email me back and let me know your thoughts on my offer, thank you very much for your time, best wishes.


Several months ago this:

My name is Andrew Asher I am a musician from Louisville, Ky and I now
travel the nation playing for a group called Eddie James.  I am
currently seeking a full endorsement for gear, our ministry is already
endorsed by warrior guitars but not under any contract.
A little about us we travel 340 days out of a year to almost 250
different venues across the nation, Wal-Mart just placed a 5,000 Cd
order two weeks ago for our new Cd titled God.  We play a large
variety of Genres and to all genres of people.  We play such events as
Winterfest which we have four this year which will have over 60,000
people there at each one.  We play tons of huge events where your
product will be exposed to thousands.
I also do workshops and clinics where the students around me get very
interested in the gear I use, this would be very beneficial for your
business to thrive.  If you are interested in this request you can
reach me at (number removed) or via e-mail.

Thank you,
Andrew Asher

My gut tells me scam. anyone received anything like this?

Moderator's note: Phone number removed


Well, endorsements are a bit of a scam in the first place for a small builder!


Quote from: trixdropd on March 12, 2011, 02:05:10 PM
Alright, what do you guys think of these?

Received today: (I don't sell any amps lol)


My name is Kaleb. I am a working professional musician in Georgia, and I have a very great interest in your amps. I am in a band that plays large venues and opens on a regular basis for names such as Vince Gill, Diamond Rio, Earl Thomas Conley, and Gene Watson. I also do expansive guitar work in colleges in my area. The point is that I have a very wide outspread audience in Georgia and North Carolina of musicians who constantly ask about my gear. I feel confident that by using me and my audience as a gateway, I could help spread the word about your equipment. I am not asking for personal gain in any way. I would never extend this offer your way and go to the trouble if I was not certain that by investing one time in me, that I could obtain more business for your company. In this way, it would be very helpful for both of us, being that I am a major gear junky and am constantly searching for new options to add to my rig. Please email me back and let me know your thoughts on my offer, thank you very much for your time, best wishes.


Several months ago this:

My name is Andrew Asher I am a musician from Louisville, Ky and I now
travel the nation playing for a group called Eddie James.  I am
currently seeking a full endorsement for gear, our ministry is already
endorsed by warrior guitars but not under any contract.
A little about us we travel 340 days out of a year to almost 250
different venues across the nation, Wal-Mart just placed a 5,000 Cd
order two weeks ago for our new Cd titled God.  We play a large
variety of Genres and to all genres of people.  We play such events as
Winterfest which we have four this year which will have over 60,000
people there at each one.  We play tons of huge events where your
product will be exposed to thousands.
I also do workshops and clinics where the students around me get very
interested in the gear I use, this would be very beneficial for your
business to thrive.  If you are interested in this request you can
reach me at (number removed) or via e-mail.

Thank you,
Andrew Asher

My gut tells me scam. anyone received anything like this?
Dirk Hendrik Got Very simmilar if not identical E-Mails to that in the past, the guy got really angry when he wouldn't give him a free pedal and threatened to try and ruin his business (Which he doesn't run) with bad word of mouth or something :icon_lol:

Moderator's note: Phone number removed


I would never send something "back" to a builder/retailer,ect
Without having first talked to someone and making sure it will be handled.
They call it "return authorization"...
Second I would write him/her back and tell them as soon as the pedal arrives you will repair it it and send it back.
That you dont send out FREE pedals.
Irregardless of any countries import/export customs.

I cant believe people put this much effort into scamming free stuff.
I mean thats alot of effort blanketing indy builders with spam hoping fro a free pedal worth 100-300$
It seems it would be easier to just work for it.
I'm no EE or even a tech,just a monkey with a soldering iron that can read,and follow instructions. ;D
My now defunct band


Quote from: Scruffie on March 12, 2011, 03:11:37 PM
Quote from: trixdropd on March 12, 2011, 02:05:10 PM
Alright, what do you guys think of these?

Received today: (I don't sell any amps lol)


My name is Kaleb. I am a working professional musician in Georgia, and I have a very great interest in your amps. I am in a band that plays large venues and opens on a regular basis for names such as Vince Gill, Diamond Rio, Earl Thomas Conley, and Gene Watson. I also do expansive guitar work in colleges in my area. The point is that I have a very wide outspread audience in Georgia and North Carolina of musicians who constantly ask about my gear. I feel confident that by using me and my audience as a gateway, I could help spread the word about your equipment. I am not asking for personal gain in any way. I would never extend this offer your way and go to the trouble if I was not certain that by investing one time in me, that I could obtain more business for your company. In this way, it would be very helpful for both of us, being that I am a major gear junky and am constantly searching for new options to add to my rig. Please email me back and let me know your thoughts on my offer, thank you very much for your time, best wishes.


Several months ago this:

My name is Andrew Asher I am a musician from Louisville, Ky and I now
travel the nation playing for a group called Eddie James.  I am
currently seeking a full endorsement for gear, our ministry is already
endorsed by warrior guitars but not under any contract.
A little about us we travel 340 days out of a year to almost 250
different venues across the nation, Wal-Mart just placed a 5,000 Cd
order two weeks ago for our new Cd titled God.  We play a large
variety of Genres and to all genres of people.  We play such events as
Winterfest which we have four this year which will have over 60,000
people there at each one.  We play tons of huge events where your
product will be exposed to thousands.
I also do workshops and clinics where the students around me get very
interested in the gear I use, this would be very beneficial for your
business to thrive.  If you are interested in this request you can
reach me at *********5 or via e-mail.

Thank you,
Andrew Asher

My gut tells me scam. anyone received anything like this?
Dirk Hendrik Got Very simmilar if not identical E-Mails to that in the past, the guy got really angry when he wouldn't give him a free pedal and threatened to try and ruin his business (Which he doesn't run) with bad word of mouth or something :icon_lol:

I figured as much. I love how the guy loves my amps but i have never built one! lol


Quote from: slacker on March 12, 2011, 10:57:11 AM
Takes about 30 seconds to get your postal address off the internet.

this one i don't really give out ever, except as a return address. also i haven't been using it for long. it doesn't match my domain whois. you're probably right and it's something stupid that's slipped somewhere, but i'm a little surprised on this particular one.

@ Magnus
Thanks, I don't feel special now.... It would be good if someone got the same email IN Brazil and wanted to help catch them out :D

i very much doubt that there's much point in reporting to Brazilian police for fraud? if somebody thinks it's worthwhile then i'm up for it, but i doubt it?

@ trixdropd

the fact that i don't sell a fuzz pedal back then is why i never bothered responding to the first person at all. now they have done a little bit more homework.

after not responding they started resending with subjects like "response attempt #3" etc. to to try pressure me - all ignored.

i also get a lot of emails from band "X" saying "we're so good, we play with "y" and "z" all the time and they see our pedalboards, would you like to give us an endorement?" so i can just reply back politely saying that i'm not of opportunity to be doing that at this time, true and fair. sorry metallica, i just can't do that right now.... hehe


I do say on the site to contact me prior to sending, and do not give out an address. I don't really get stuff back, but would prefer they register the post because id feel horrible if it was lost.

it sounds like this guy has been trying to run the same scam for a couple of years then, the format is thought out and almost identical in the emails. everybody needs a hobby i suppose. this particular hobby just makes you want to do harm to said people....

i'll respond back saying almost exactly what you said. furthermore, if he doesn't (and won't) have proof of purchase his friend can tell me where he bought it from, and roughly when, so that I can call the distributor or check my own sales and reconfirm it. i can also ask what the serial number is to confirm roughly construction date, but that can be guessed by looking at the youtube video.

i wonder if he lurkes here.....
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


here's the reply i sent back this morning, if anybody is interested. it seems the right things that i should give benefit of doubt.......

Hi there Marcus.

Thanks for the kind words, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your Class A Amp problems. I'm yet to have one fail in this way so I'll be very interested to find the source of the problem straight away.

I would normally ask that people contact me prior to sending anything out and use a registered service. I'm sorry, but I will have to wait for the pedal to come in to be repaired. At this time I'm not in a position the be sending out free pedals around the world.

Warranties are valid for two years from date of original purchase and would normally not be transferable. I understand that your friend probably wouldn't pass on such details. Is there any chance that you can find out where he got it from and roughly when and I contact the distributor? I keep close relations with everybody that sells my pedals so there won't be a problem with it. Also, knowing the serial number might help?

I don't have much stuff that goes out to Brazil, by chance is this a previous address?:

Caixa Postal 134
S.Vicente - SP
CEP 11.310-971

Thanks for giving me the heads up, I will wait eagerly,

Best regards,

Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


Quote from: trixdropd on March 12, 2011, 02:05:10 PM
Alright, what do you guys think of these?

Received today: (I don't sell any amps lol)


This and other endorsement requests aren't scams in the same way as the OP. These are just people who are hoping to use what they believe to be their own prominence in their scene to get some free stuff. They may be ridiculous and unwarranted, and I turn them down as should you if you don't seriously think this exposure would be helpful to you. However, what you've done here is posted somebody's personal phone number on a public forum, even though they did nothing scammy or illegal, just hoped that they could get some free stuff. They didn't even lie to you. IMO, you should remove this person's phone number from this post, as that's much more rude and potentially problematic for their life than them contacting you.

Darron, since it's not clear that the address you just posted has anything to do with your scammer, I also feel it's uncool to post it publicly. Brazil is one of the largest and most populous countries on the planet, so I don't think it's fair to post this guy's address when it's unclear that they have anything to do with each other.

I know both of you mean well, but we should be careful with people's personal information on the internet, in cases where we don't have any solid reason to think they did anything illegal, deceptive, or unethical.

Edit: check this out:
Scroll to the last testimonial.


Quote from: Taylor on March 12, 2011, 07:22:01 PM
Quote from: trixdropd on March 12, 2011, 02:05:10 PM
Alright, what do you guys think of these?

Received today: (I don't sell any amps lol)


This and other endorsement requests aren't scams in the same way as the OP. These are just people who are hoping to use what they believe to be their own prominence in their scene to get some free stuff. They may be ridiculous and unwarranted, and I turn them down as should you if you don't seriously think this exposure would be helpful to you. However, what you've done here is posted somebody's personal phone number on a public forum, even though they did nothing scammy or illegal, just hoped that they could get some free stuff. They didn't even lie to you. IMO, you should remove this person's phone number from this post, as that's much more rude and potentially problematic for their life than them contacting you.

Darron, since it's not clear that the address you just posted has anything to do with your scammer, I also feel it's uncool to post it publicly. Brazil is one of the largest and most populous countries on the planet, so I don't think it's fair to post this guy's address when it's unclear that they have anything to do with each other.

I know both of you mean well, but we should be careful with people's personal information on the internet, in cases where we don't have any solid reason to think they did anything illegal, deceptive, or unethical.

Edit: check this out:
Scroll to the last testimonial.

Posted number on accident. can't modify my original post with it. Sorry..


It's a scam.  I got near about the same email a few months ago.  Never sold to Brazil but he said the thing about a friend in Australia. I played along hoping to get an address but he bolted.   The others just seem like douches and I know Eddie James. Was that particular player the one who who threatened to ruin something?  That simply would not stand.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary, and those who don't.


Quote from: Taylor on March 12, 2011, 07:22:01 PM
Darron, since it's not clear that the address you just posted has anything to do with your scammer, I also feel it's uncool to post it publicly. Brazil is one of the largest and most populous countries on the planet, so I don't think it's fair to post this guy's address when it's unclear that they have anything to do with each other.

I know both of you mean well, but we should be careful with people's personal information on the internet, in cases where we don't have any solid reason to think they did anything illegal, deceptive, or unethical.

I considered that. I censored my own postal address (which I try to keep hush for THIS exact reason we have now). My own telephone number is uncensored. I considered that the exact information may very well be appropriate.

The email from '09 was undoubtedly devious, so I have no issues with that. This new one in the very same layout is VERY suspicious, so on the 97% chance I'll take my chances.

I could for example now get in touch with Dirk and see if the addresses matched up, and it was an interesting point that an address neighbouring his house may have been used.

an endorsement is definitely a different thing, that's why i try to stay polite with those. it's a bit of a suck up and i think sometimes it can be a bit stretched from truth though... most are legitimate and a small amount are scammish

Here is the guy's latest reply:

Esteemed Mr. Thornbury

I thank you for your fast reply

Answering your questions:

I got the Class A pedal as a gift and i didn't knew about your conditions since i know your brand there's no dealers here then my only option was to send to your address directly.
About the serial Number there's a Number on the pedal's  bottom plate.
I hope this could help you to help me asap
The number is : 00053
The store place he purchased that i don't know ...Bu t i'm sure he didi it in Melbourne

About the POB you've mentioned i never heard before, even why is not a home address.
It's seems a commercial (Post Office Box) address .

If you need i could provide a post receipt copy, oficial doc with all details from my submission to your Co. address

Thank you for all

Marcus Spada


i'll respond back now.... :

Hi Marcus.

It's not a problem, I was just hoping you could get in touch with your friend.

I looked up the serial and it's listed as one of the few Chroma Zone Fuzz pedals that went to Japan, so that makes it messy.

When it comes in I'll have any issues sorted out and posted back to you post-haste. Most problems are usually caused by a power supply fault, but as you said you've ruled that out so it could be a component failure such as an intermittent bypass footswitch (one of the issues with true bypass unfortunately, still not very common at all). I'll cover cost of return post and tracking in this event, which I normally do not as it sounds like the post office has stuffed you around enough already.

I forgot to answer your question earlier. I don't have any stickers but I do have some wooden Dazatronyx guitar picks that I made up so I can throw a few your way in the package. I can also declare for customs that it is a repair/return as I know Brazil has some rough taxes.

I hope that you have a great weekend otherwise....


Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


Sheeeesh! I was contacted some years ago by a joker in Brazil claiming he had a broke pedal made by me and that he needed a replacement right away to gig with.... also wanted some free stickers!
Was also contacted by a Nashville player (played with Trisha Yearwood, or whoever) wanting a free pedal with a promise to endorse. HELL NO on both occasions!!
"I like the box caps because when I'm done populating the board it looks like a little city....and I'm the Mayor!" - armdnrdy


these emails just keep shooting back and forth. rather than him nagging me is there a good/funny practical solution that anybody can suggest?

having him processed for fraud would be ideal.... can anybody who lives in brazil suggest practicality or a good process for that?

i could send him an empty box with full value on the customs... he'd be taxed heaps in brazil, but its a waste of my money....

i could SAY i sent him the pedal to get him off my back. see if he contacts me in a couple of weeks... then maybe i could send him a fake photoshopped post receipt?

ohh.. nearly forgot.... just to stir some other people up, this is how Mr Morals signed his last email:

May God Allmight bless us all

M. Spada
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


I don't think you really need to bother with it. My reaction to spammers is to either mess with them (I have done a lot of this with the 419 scammers) or ignore them. I mean, what's he going to do if you just stop replying and block his emails?

Did you see the link I posted above where some amp builder has this Marcus guy on his "testimonials" page, saying the exact same thing as he said about your pedal? Pretty hilarious - either the amp guy believed Marcus was legit, in which case I guess he sent him a free amp (not hilarious, sad) or he's using a known scammer, who's never played his gear, as a testimonial.  Weird either way.