More Drive / Dirt to a runoffgroove Uno?

Started by sevenisthenumber, March 17, 2011, 05:38:54 PM

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Anyone know how I can saturate this a bit more with a simple change in the circuit?


lower supply voltage  :icon_mrgreen:

4 full gain j201 jfets ... and not enough saturation?  :icon_eek:
Rules apply only for those who are not allowed to break them


Maybe increase the 220k resistor? Or build a Dr. Boogey instead. ::)


  Many ways to skin it.
  The speaker sim/multi pole filter at the end will shave off HF's these are often associated with grit of finer dirts.
  The 22uf emitter bypass caps bring gain up and change the sound, an alternative would be preboost and lose some of the AC gain-bumping capacitors...also:
  Did you fiddle with measureing Jfets in order to calculate bias for 'these' [larger batch to choose from or different batch Fetzer article to understand more about biasing jfet @9v.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: Steben on March 17, 2011, 05:41:57 PM
lower supply voltage  :icon_mrgreen:

4 full gain j201 jfets ... and not enough saturation?  :icon_eek:

I want to get a more modern santana type tone from this.