lovetone meatball jack question

Started by joer0952, April 13, 2011, 07:28:49 PM

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I found this website (its in Portuguese, but i used google translate) about meatball clones, I understand everything, but the jacks they use.  The picture shows a 1/4in jack with 8 pins.  I've never seen a 1/4in jack like that before.  Anyone have any idea why they use these , and where to get them, thank you. 

see pic below:


You don't need those jacks exactly. They are just switching jacks, so that when nothing is inserted into the effects loop, the send connects directly to the return. If you used regular jacks, and you didn't put anything in the loop, then your instrument would not go through the filter and you would get no sound out.

You can use any of the switched jacks at Small Bear:



ok, thank you for the reply.  I have something similar from tayda that I order by accident once, but they say unswitched so I dont think they are right  I will order from smallbear, but do you know how to wire those up?


If they look like the ones in that photo, and they have all 6 contacts, then they are switched.

Basically, wire the send to the tip of the send jack, then wire the switch of the send jack to the tip of the return jack. I will have a new PCB for the Meatball soon, and the documentation will have diagrams for the wiring that will be easily applicable even if you're not building on my board.


cool thank you very much, and i will be looking for those diagrams