Better Insanity Box vero image.

Started by digi2t, April 14, 2011, 11:55:26 PM

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Hi all,
OK, I think this should be a lot better. BOM is below as well. Not verified yet, but once it is, I'll use this thread to confirm. On paper, I've traced it to the schematic, and 2 different PCB's, and everything looks like it's in the right place. Bit of a big board, but 3 effects in 1 is always a bitch on vero. Skyripper vero? I rest my case  :icon_mrgreen:.
The only thing that may be missing is a 1M pull down resistor at the input. It's not shown anywhere, and I'll see how it reacts to a footswitch once it's built. If required, I'll update accordingly, along with a build report.

Name Value Quantity Notes
Board1 22H x 30R (27 CUTS) 1 
C1 0.01 uF 1 
C10 0.1 uF 1 
C11 22 pF 1 
C12 10 uF 1 
C13 220 pF 1 
C14 100 uF 1 
C15 220 pF 1 
C16 0.1 uF 1 
C2 0.1 uF 1 
C3 220 pF 1 
C4 0.02 uF 1 
C5 22 uF 1 
C6 22 uF 1 
C7 0.47 uF 1 
C8 0.01 uF 1 
C9 0.1 uF 1 
D1 1N914 1 
D2 1N914 1 
D3 1N914 1 
IC1 TL071 1 
IC2 CD4049UBE 1 
Q1 J201 1 
Q2 J201 1 
R1 4.7 K 1 
R10 1 M 1 
R11(OPT) 1 K 1 
R12(OPT) 1 M 1 
R13 200 R 1 
R14 6.8 K 1 
R15 1 M 1 
R2 470 K 1 
R3 10 K 1 
R4 10 K 1 
R5 1 K 1 
R6 100 R 1 
R7 100 K 1 
R8 39 K 1 
R9 1 M 1 
Volume 100 K Lin 1 
VR1 100 K Lin 1 
VR2 100 K Lin 1 
VR3 100 K Lin 1 
VR4 100 K Lin 1 
VR5(OR POT) 50 K Lin 1

If anyone beats me to the build, or breadboard, please give me a hollar to let me know if this is OK.

Dead End FX

Asian Icemen rise again...

"My ears don't distinguish good from great.  It's a blessing, really." EBK


Hey Dino,
nice work here. yeah it's better than the previous one i guess. and everything is clear. just too bad not something i am gonna build any time soon lol. too complicated!

hmm guess it's time to get myself to draw a vero as well, for Crunch box.
hey btw this I've started working with Veros recently (tho i've done some PCBs for me and whatnot) and I was wondering if there are any common tips to keep in mind while drawing Veros?


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Yeah, it is complicated, along the same lines as a Skyripper. I'm working on condensing the board a bit more, so I may be posting a new, tighter layout soon. I'd like to get it comfortablely into a BB. All the parts are ordered, hopefully I'll be able to build it before I move.

As for tips on drawing veros, check, check, and triple check. When I think I'm done, I print B&W draft copies, trace my Positive and Neg lines, and then the circuit to the schematic. Then I double check the components. Finally, when all is well, I'll start compressing the board, if possible. Then, again, trace the circuit to the schem again to ensure that your updated vero is OK. It's painstaking work, but fun. You'll enjoy the final product that much more. I usually do a bit at a time. When my eyes start going buggy, I take a break. This vero I did over the course of 4 days. Do a bit, think about it, come back.

Dead End FX

Asian Icemen rise again...

"My ears don't distinguish good from great.  It's a blessing, really." EBK


ooh sounds nice. guess we just have to wait till you get the parts ;)

yeah i guess it could be compressed pretty much by like adding some trace cuts huh? (trace cut? is it the right term?)

aha i know what you mean take your time. well we'll see how good i'll do. i went out right after i posted my previous comment haha so didn't have time, now hopefully i wont go out again this time haha... oh and yeah strating wiht a normal layout and then only tightening it is a really nice idea!! thanx a lo!

and yeah good luck with the build :)

check my music HERE

Shredtastic psycho metal!