My first fuzz face! HELP PLEASE

Started by MrTonesNZ, April 15, 2011, 10:50:24 PM

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are you sure you have the right pinout on your transistors?? I remember thinking "and you call this fuzz?" on one of the schematics i breadboarded and than it turned out i had one of the transistors the wrong way. still that doesn't make much sense cause you say it works with the pedal before that and in the off position. so when it's off it's the buffer that's still in there right?? that's why i keep on thinking a buffer will help this one is my pick actually :)

simpole and yet effective if you want to read some more about it it's here (the 2nd from the bottom)

hope that helps. im really interested if the buffer will help as well
check my music HERE

Shredtastic psycho metal!


OK, probably over thinking this one. The output of the OD2 (according to my understanding of the schematic) is 8.2 volts. So, without the OD2, the input of the FF should be zero right? Would it make sense to wire a resistor from the input to the +9v? I'm probably totally insane... :-\


Quote from: jasperoosthoek on April 18, 2011, 02:44:30 PM
The OD2 is not true bypass. I found a schematic here

Looking at the schematic the output stage is always on. Whether bypassed or not the signal always passes through Q2. So the output stage helps the Fuzz Face work.

I think that you might have forgotten the first capacitor in your fuzz face, or you miswired it somehow. If you forget it the guitar signal is never loud enough to pass a signal though. Maybe you will get a chopped distorted sound (squelch knob on a scanner) with a very hot signal. If this is true the OD2's output cap takes the function of the missing FF output cap and it therefore works. The 100k resistor in the OD2 messes up the FF bias though.

I hope you guys in NS are able to pick up the pieces! Last year I went to Tokyo, that made the quake there come awfully close.

Thinking about this, maybe my 2.2uf input cap isn't the right bias for my transistors. I'll try upsizing it


is it polarized right actually? ie negative pin to the input and the positive to the tranny

oph and that output stage actually does look like a buffer to me
check my music HERE

Shredtastic psycho metal!


Quote from: vendettav on April 26, 2011, 01:53:31 PM
is it polarized right actually? ie negative pin to the input and the positive to the tranny

oph and that output stage actually does look like a buffer to me

Yea it is aye. I've gotten desperate. I'm just gonna experiment with it until i find the answer


 Sounds like your circuit is making ground contact (and working) via the other pedals.
I'd suggest having a break for a day or so (you'd be amazed how that can reveal the obvious) and then triple checking your soldering, pinouts, and offboard wiring in that order.
Please post clear photos of the both sides of the board and your off board wiring if you are stuck..

You have DSE is in New Zealand?
I'd head there and pick up a  multimeter. You can usually get basic models for ~ $10 and some really nice ones for just a little more.
Futurlec has cheapies too if you can wait a couple of weeks.


Quote from: Toney on April 27, 2011, 02:20:09 AM
Sounds like your circuit is making ground contact (and working) via the other pedals.
I'd suggest having a break for a day or so (you'd be amazed how that can reveal the obvious) and then triple checking your soldering, pinouts, and offboard wiring in that order.
Please post clear photos of the both sides of the board and your off board wiring if you are stuck..

You have DSE is in New Zealand?
I'd head there and pick up a  multimeter. You can usually get basic models for ~ $10 and some really nice ones for just a little more.
Futurlec has cheapies too if you can wait a couple of weeks.

Thanks Tones, (good name) 8), yea we do have dse. But not here in Christchurch where everythings munted. Well there's 1, but i checked there yesterday, and they don't stock them at that shop. I'm stoked though because my local components shop, has re-opened and they've got a good multimeter for 12 bucks or something. I'll post pics when i can, but I'm running out of spare time as I have assignments due.

The only problem with your theory is, all the ground points are grounded to the sleeve, as far as I know, and I don't understand how adding another pedal to the chain would then ground any point of the circuit that i might have missed...

I initially thought the same thing.

By the way, good to see an Aussie on the forum, nice to know I'm not alone in the southern hemisphere ;D


There are an infinite number of possibilities...
Why not chuck up those photos. It's a such a simple circuit but it has "got" many a person along the way.
You really need that multimeter. How are you setting 4.5v on Q2's collector without it?
Like I said: soldering, pinouts, and offboard wiring in that order. The are the most usual ones.
Weird grounding issues are quite possible too. I regularly 'surprise' myself by messing up the tabs on the input jack as one of the last unimportant jobs in a build.


Quote from: Toney on April 28, 2011, 01:17:17 AM

There are an infinite number of possibilities...
Why not chuck up those photos. It's a such a simple circuit but it has "got" many a person along the way.
You really need that multimeter. How are you setting 4.5v on Q2's collector without it?
Like I said: soldering, pinouts, and offboard wiring in that order. The are the most usual ones.
Weird grounding issues are quite possible too. I regularly 'surprise' myself by messing up the tabs on the input jack as one of the last unimportant jobs in a build.

Bought a multimeter today! 17 bucks, not bad. Will post pics, after i finish this assignment, and then you all can tell me whats "REALLY" goin on :P
And then I'll have myself a couple of awesome sounding fuzzes which I've built myself, from scratch. And i'll have the best sense of accomplishment. CAN'T WAIT!

And thanks everyone for hanging in here with me. What a long process this is turning out to be!


oky doky, Happy new DMM day lol

i'll stay tuned to contribute y best

check my music HERE

Shredtastic psycho metal!


 :icon_mrgreen: Hello everyone, just letting you know, I still exist, and I'll have an update this week. I'm back at course and its all on Donkey Kong!


hey man! how is it going? yeah make sure you keep us updated :)
check my music HERE

Shredtastic psycho metal!