Socketing phase caps in the Univibe... advice, please?

Started by Brossman, May 17, 2011, 05:45:08 PM

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I have acquired some NOS 4p5t switches, and the application ideas have been spilling out... :icon_twisted:

In my Summer 'Vibe build, I plan on using this switch to give me (5) different tones for the phase caps...

Ideally speaking, I'd like to have (20) sockets for each of the phase caps, then have this section of board wired (ribbon...?) to the switch contacts.

However, I was told that if I will use my build for gigging (stomps and whatnot), then it is advised that I NOT socket any components, but rather solder them to the switch itself.  Well, a) the switch contacts are really close together, and b) I have shaky hands, so thats outta the questions, methinks...

I want to socket them, or at least a couple of the settings... How reliable would the machined sockets be for holding these caps in a gigging-rig?
Gear: Epi Les Paul (archtop) w/ 490R in the neck, and SD '59N in the bridge; Silvertone 1484 w/ a WGS G15C

Still a tubey noobie. Been doing this a while, and still can't figure much out, smh.


Not very good imho. Some caps dont even fit others fall out. You need to dab some solder on the legs into the socket or just use the sockets to find the value you like then remove and properly install the caps


Socket the caps if you like for testing in a benign environment.  Gigging is an abusive environment, even more than the MIL-E-810 standards we used on aircraft for shock, vibration, temperature and other things.  Even in the old days when the military used tubes, they were held in place by spring-loaded tube shields.  Sockets were not allowed for semiconductors, even in the early days when temperature sensitivity during soldering was an issue.  Nothing should go to a gig that is not soldered except a battery - and that should be solidly mounted with proper connections.
