channel loop pedal help

Started by DonB, May 18, 2011, 10:20:43 AM

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Ok i have made a channel select and dual loop pedal. But its not working how i expected. Instead of only 2 presses it has 4.
press 1 - clean channel with effect 1
press 2 - clean channel with effect 2
press 3 - gain channel with effect 1
press 4 - gain channel with effect 2

Goes something like that...

Heres a pic of the wiring


By the way. Im trying to make it...

Clean with one of the fx loops then dirty with the other loop. Just normal channel selecting, not 4 different versions like it has now.

Could you wire all outputs to each other? So only one of them is connected to the switch.


It sounds to me like the problem is how your amp channel switch works. What's probably happening is your amp is supposed to use a momentary switch to change channels, where each time the two wires connect it changes channel, this would give you the 4 settings you've described.
When you select effect 1 you connect the amp channel wires so it changes channel, when you select effect 2 you break the connection between the channel amp wires, which does nothing so you get the same channel but with effect 2.
The next time you select effect 1 it again connects the channel select wires so it changes channel, giving you the other channel and effect 1, when you select effect 2 you break the connection between the channel amp wires,  channel giving you the same channel with effect 2.

The easy way to test this is touch the tip and sleeve of the channel change lead together, this should make it change channel then stop touching them together and it should stay on the same channel. Touch them together again and it should change.

If this is the problem then to do what you want you'll have to use some circuitry to turn each press of the switch into a pulse that will switch the amp.


You are correct slacker. Connecting the wires as you mentioned does what you mentioned.
Anyone know what circuit i will need to make it work?


If you're very lucky on your first drawing if you connect the top middle lug to the bottom middle lug on the switch it might work. When you press the switch there will be a brief time when the connection is broken each time you press the switch, this might be enough to make it change channels.


otherwise, just replace the switch for a momentary one and you are golden...


Quote from: Barcode80 on May 19, 2011, 03:15:13 PM
otherwise, just replace the switch for a momentary one and you are golden...

That will mess up the loop switching though...

I think he's trying to switch between effects loops in a pedal, but also use the same switch to switch channels in his amp.
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


MikeH is correct.

Here is a new thread on it. with a diagram better showing what im trying to achieve.