20 pedals built to understand the fuzz

Started by tiago razera, June 13, 2011, 10:29:59 PM

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tiago razera

Hi all.

Just wanted to share some pedals i've built since 2001, when I found Aron's forum on Ampage. In those days we had Stellan's schematics, Justin Philpott, Jd Sleep, of course RG Keen, Jamie Heilman, Jack Orman, etc. Since there were not much PCB's in 2001 like today, I've made many of them on my own, and actually enjoyed. It's been a long time since i've designed my last crude PCB. Francisco Pena, GGG, ROG are much much better than I would always be.

Anyway, I want to share the pedals I built. The total count is above 50, of these around 20 are intact. The rest were salvaged for parts either because it didn't work or because I didn't like the sound.

- Rocket fuzz
- Electric Mistress
- MXR Phase 100
- Small Stone
- Boss OC2
- Tri Vibe
- Jordan Bosstone
- GE Fuzz Face
- Sili Face
- Easy Vibe
- Foxx Tone Machine
- Marshall Guvnor
- PT2399 delay
- Ibanez FL301 Flanger
- Zombie Chorus
- SansAmp GT2
- John Hollis Flanger
- John Hollis Compressor
- Marshall JMP1 Speaker Simulator section
- Big Muff
- and my latest GGG's 70's Fuzz

And after so many pedals, some of them complex and versatile, I'm beggining to understand the Fuzz Face. And why it have so many followers, and mojo, and why it deserved A Technology Of article from Geofex, and why Jimi used it, and etc. I find it not easy to play and sound good, and the fact that it's easily out of control is what distinguishes it from all of what came later.

Long live the fuzzzzz


Interesting.  That's quit a list.  I sort of did the opposite.  I wanted to figure out how to make distortions and overdrives that DIDN'T sound like fuzzes.  Now all my work is on the breadboard.  ;)
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


i know what you mean... did a few "paint by number" kits before my first fuzz face, not really knowing exactly what i was doing at all (just happy that they worked!), but learning & understanding the FF circuit gave clarity to everything else.


Great list of pedals! I'd love to find an list of fuzz pedal sound samples for comparison. I'm looking for specific fuzz sound, just haven't found it yet.
If it ain't broke...   ...it will be soon.

tiago razera

WGTP: I did the same thing. Actually my first circuit was a FF, that sort of worked. After that I always tried to make OD's that didn't sound like a fuzz.

jpdiddy118: the real thing i'm trying to understand is not the circuit, but the sound. A distortion is so easy to put in a band setting, in the middle of a chorus, in a solo... The same for an OD. Their roles are very clear. But the fuzz is another beast, always trying to get out of control. To me, at least.

theundeadelvis: search on youtube. The videos there helped me decide the next fuzz. But I can recommend the Jordan BossTone and 70's Fuzz from General Guitar Gadgets. The last is really awesome.


I just remembered, John Lyons has a bunch of great fuzz samples at his site. And not just the usual suspects either. Thanks!
If it ain't broke...   ...it will be soon.


I spent lots of time messing with this and there is an article about it on RunOffGroove.  Fun stuff.


Then I moved on the the Mu amps, Rats, Obsidians, Vulcans, etc.  ;)
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


Out of the 20 (or 50) what are your favorites?